TVB Actress and Host, Samantha Chuk Man Kwan, Passes Away from Cancer

TVB artist, Samantha Chuk Man Kwan (祝文君), has passed away at the age of 55. The news was first announced by TVB’s Entertainment News program on March 1. It’s reported Samantha Chuk Man Kwan passed away from lung cancer on February 28. TVB artist, English Tang (鄧英敏), told reporters that Samantha Chuk Man Kwan passed away peacefully and without suffering at home surrounded by family. The news came as a shock as it wasn’t previously reported that she had cancer.

Samantha Chuk Man Kwan joined TVB in 1990 after participating in a singing contest. Prior to joining the entertainment industry, Samantha Chuk Man Kwan worked at a bank. Since then, she has been the host of many TVB shows like “K-100”, “Focus on Focus” (城市追擊), “Pleasure & Leisure (都市閒情), and more. Samantha Chuk Man Kwan has also had supporting roles in several TVB series such as “The File of Justice II” (壹號皇庭II), “Survivor’s Law (律政新人王)”, “Wars of In-laws (我的野蠻奶奶)”, “Kids Lives Matter” (星空下的仁醫), “The Ringmaster” (拳王), and more. She also made a cameo in Stephen Chow’s 1996 film, “God of Cookery” (食神), portraying as a reporter on a similar sounding show she hosted in reality.
