Miss Hong Kong 2009 Contestant, Candy Yuen, Lashes Out at Entrepreneur, Derek Cheung, and His Father, for Being Jerks with “Weird Requests”

Miss Hong Kong 2009 contestant and former TVB actress, Candy Yuen Ka Man (袁嘉敏), made a series of posts on April 1 lashing out at entrepreneur, Derek Cheung (鍾培生), and his father, Terence Cheung. While she didn’t disclose the nature of their relationship, Candy Yuen revealed she had “dated the Cheung family for a year” was grateful for them providing her with three meals a day. However, she described them as having “weird requests”.

Candy Yuen posted pictures of Derek Cheung and his parents, saying, “I have never publicly talked bad about someone, but these two guys, Derek and Terence Cheung, are absolute jerks, horrendous.” In two separate pictures, she wrote, “One year with the Cheung, what a nightmare.” and “Maybe I owe you two in my past life. No more long chats. I was too kind.”

When the media reached out to Candy Yuen on her posts, she responded, “The matter is as complicated as a novel. That father and son have some weird requests.” When asked if she was referring to sexual requests, she responded, “Don’t want to mention it yet.” On why she called the father and son jerks, she said, “It’s so hard.”

The next day, Candy Yuen revealed she was flying to France for a while and refused to mention about her previous posts.

Derek Cheung is known as the “Godfather of Hong Kong e-Sports” and the grandson of a rich man known as “Commercial Building King”. He once openly admitted that he had a high libido and once had sex 50 times in 18 days. The next day, he wrote a lengthy post revealing that he met Candy Yuen in the beginning of 2021 through a mutual friend and saw each other several times afterwards. He said after hearing her story, he provided her with financial assistance. Later on, they felt their personalities didn’t match so they had already stopped seeing each other in the middle of last year. Derek Cheung said after that, Candy Yuen kept messaging him and he said he would politely reject it each time. At the end of last year, Derek Cheung said Candy Yuen started to privately and publicly harass him and his friends on social media and also asked him for even more financial assistance. In response, Derek Cheung said he gave her the silent treatment and cut off all contact with Candy Yuen.

Derek Cheung then said the picture Candy Yuen used in her repost was from his father’s birthday on March 17. She screen captured it on IG story on March 18 and waited until April 1 to post it. He said the content of the post also led the media and netizens to speculate Candy Yuen was living in Derek Cheung’s home for a year. Derek Cheung also said Candy Yuen’s mention of “weird requests” makes people speculate she’s talking about orgies. As Derek Cheung said his silent treatment approach didn’t work last time, he chose to clarify that Candy Yuen’s claims are false.

Lastly, Derek Cheung said his family is very harmonious. He also said him and Candy Yuen have only met a few times and haven’t seen each other for more than half a year. Derek Cheung said won’t be commenting on this matter anymore and reserves the right to take legal action.

Credit: hk.on.cc, hk01, IG (1, 2)