Linda Chung Announces She’s Pregnant with Her Third Child

Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), who just celebrated her 38th birthday on April 9, had some more good news to share. On April 10, Linda Chung announced she was pregnant with her third child on Instagram. Linda Chung showed her pregnant belly and her two children and wrote, ” We are very happy to announce that we are expecting a little Tigger this year. 🐯 Thank you so much for the birthday wishes everyone. My heart and hands are now full. ❤️✋ And, I’m really hungry…”

The sex of the baby wasn’t revealed. This would explain why Linda Chung turned down TVB’s offer to film the sequel to “Kids’ Lives Matter”. Linda Chung and husband, Jeremy, got married in 2015 and have a daughter, Kelly, and son, Jared.

Credit:, IG (1, 2)

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