Nancy Wu Said Her Character was “Too Dry” for Not Having a Romantic Storyline in “Big White Duel 2”

Nancy Wu (胡定欣) was in attendance at the celebratory banquet for TVB’s “Big White Duel 2” (白色強人II) on September 1. She spoke with that she was very happy to have joined the series and would be very happy to join the next season if there is one. However, she had one request, that is, “If there is another season, I hope there can be a romantic storyline added for me.”

When asked which actor she wants to “date” in the series, she said she wants to have a new impact and a fresh partner. She explained, “It’s a bit plain and dry. I hope a romantic storyline can be added to be even sweeter. When adding a romantic storyline, of course you need a new actor, but I don’t know who.” When asked if Moses Chan was suitable, Nancy Wu said, “Filmed too much with them…It doesn’t matter…the young ones are pretty good. Anyways, it needs to be fresh, haha.”

On whether she would be okay with jiedilian (May-December romance), Nancy Wu said, “I’ve never tried it with a character. Depends on how the producer incorporates it. A lot of K-Dramas are liek this…but this is a medical drama…doesn’t matter…as long as it’s good to watch.”

Credit: hk01, Nancy Wu IG