Beijing Police Reports Li Yifeng Confessed to Soliciting Prostitution Several Times and is Currently Administratively Detained

On September 10, Chinese actor, Li Yifeng (李易峰) was accused of being the three letter male artist that was arrested for 15 days on suspicion of soliciting prostitution. It took hours before Li Yifeng and his studio issued a statement at night denying the rumors. However, both Li Yifeng and his studio’s statements were shortly deleted from Weibo. The hashtags about their statements were also scrubbed from Weibo, leaving many wondering whether there was some truth to the story.

A day later, the Beijing Police’s official Weibo account reported they had recently tracked down a male entertainer, Li “so-and-so”, 35, while investigating a criminal case. The Beijing Police said this person has already confessed to soliciting prostitution several times and is currently administratively detained in accordance with the law. CCTV News confirmed through “authoritative channels” that the “Li so-andso-” entertainer in question is Li Yifeng.

After the news of Li Yifeng being detained went viral, several of Li Yifeng’s brand sponsors such as PRADA, PANERAI, Sensodyne, and more, announced they have terminated their partnerships with him.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)

2 thoughts on “Beijing Police Reports Li Yifeng Confessed to Soliciting Prostitution Several Times and is Currently Administratively Detained

  1. Ooooh so he lied and denied he solicited prostitutes? Didn’t Wang Leehom do the same? Thank goodness I’m not a fan of his.

    1. Read that actually Beijing Police got no plan to announce his arrests but got pissed off over his and his company’s arrogance. There are rumor of orgies and underage girl, if it is true than WOW!!

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