Miss Hong Kong 2022 First Runner Up, Cecca Xu, Responds to Looking Unhappy When She was Announced as the Second Place Winner

This year’s Miss Hong Kong 2022 pageant (2022香港小姐競選) was quite unpredictable as this year’s winner, Denice Lam (林鈺洧), wasn’t considered a hot favorite and is this year’s dark horse. The first and second runner ups, Cecca Xu (許子萱) and Joey Leung (梁超怡), were huge public favorites to take the crown. So when Cecca Xu was announced as the first runner up winner, it seemed like she looked unhappy and dissatisfied with the win.

Cecca Xu spoke with hk01.com about the speculations she was dissatisfied with her win, saying she didn’t put on a long face. She explained, “No, because this time I had the mentality of wanting to explore and give this industry a try, so I am quite satisfied, I’m quite happy being the first runner up. I am most happy because I won because of my eloquence and speech. I am most confident about my eloquence in speech. I am very satisfied with this time’s result. The road will be very long in the future and I will look forward to it even more.”

As to why she had this expression, Cecca Xu explained, “It was just that moment was coincidentally screen captured by someone. Of course, I didn’t want to smile at first. I only smiled when other contestants or myself was called. So it’s prettier, more brilliant, that’s why I was misunderstood by everyone.”

Going into the competition, Cecca Xu had one of the most impressive resumes. Cecca Xu graduated from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. She already started studying overseas at 12. After graduating from college, she worked in Investment Banking on Wall Street and even published a book called, “Memoirs of a Girl on Wall Street”, at 22. When she was 20, she was a contestant on the Chinese dating show, “If You Are the One” (非誠勿擾).

During the competition, she had already received admission letters from Oxford and Cambridge to enroll in their respective MBA programs. However, she said she had to see the outcome of the competition to determine whether to continue further into her studies.

Credit: hk01, Cecca Xu IG