Miss Hong Kong 2022 Winner, Denice Lam, Doesn’t Regret Talking about Past Sexual Experiences, Second Runner Up, Joey Leung, Becomes First Miss Hong Kong with Visible Tattoos

Miss Hong Kong 2022 Winner, Denice Lam (林鈺洧), became the talk of the headlines when the media dug up her old appearance on a ViuTV show, “Abracadabra (對號入座)”, where she revealed she had 5 sexual partners and talked about past sexual experiences. Some netizens have criticized Denice Lam’s past comments have affected the image of Miss Hong Kong and labeled her as “Miss Hong Kong Sex Girl”.

In response to these comments, Denice Lam spoke with hk01.com and said, “I was actually doing a variety show at the time. I also cherish these opportunities very much. I didn’t think these things about dating was such a big deal at the time. I was just sharing my experiences like I was talking to friends. This show’s theme is to talk about astrology. However, after going through this lesson, I’ll know to be more cautious when I speak in the future.”

On whether she any regrets talking about it, Denice Lam said, “I think you can’t regret something if you plan to do it. I can only treat it as if I learned something new. I really don’t regret it. It’s a show after all. A job is also a big classroom.”

On being called “Miss Hong Kong Sex Girl” by netizens, Denice Lam said, “It doesn’t matter. In this year, I will fulfill the duty of Miss Hong Kong. I will try my best. I believe time will dilute everything. If I perform well, I believe netizens will see my efforts.”

First Miss Hong Kong with Tattoos

During the competition, Miss Hong Kong 2022 Second Runner Up, Joey Leung (梁超怡), was exposed to love partying and had 7 tattoos over her body. Joey Leung had previously revealed the tattoo on her arm was in memory of her good friend who had passed away.

This makes Joey Leung the first Miss Hong Kong in pageant history with visible tattoos due to TVB’s previous unwritten rule about banning tattoos. When reporters asked Joey Leung about making history and being called “Tattoo Miss Hong Kong” by netizens, she responded, “I am very happy about this award because the judges’ eyes are sharp. They’re not just focusing on one thing and appearances are just one part of women. However, they look at the other sides of me, that’s why they gave me this award. As for netizens giving me this label, I think they are very creative.”

On the rumors that she has 7 tattoos, Joey Leung said, “I actually don’t have 7 tattoos.” When reporters pressed on saying if she has 8, Joey Leung said, “Haha. It’s whichever ones you see.”

Credit: hk01 (1, 2) IG (1, 2)