Former SNH48 Member, Li Yitong, Responds to Netizens Saying She was Trying to Get Sympathy After Saying She Had 0 Income First Half of the Year and Took the Subway to Disneyland

Former SNH48 member, Li Yitong (李艺彤), had recently uploaded a screenshot of a conversation with a fan on her alt account that talked about them having hardships because of the pandemic. Li Yitong revealed she took the subway to Disneyland, but due to her lack of experience with the metro system, she took the wrong line going in the opposite direction. She also revealed she had 0 income in the first half of the year.

Because of these statements, some netizens accused of her trying to get sympathy and pretending to be poor. The hashtag, “Li Yitong said she had 0 income the first half of the year” trended because of that post. On September 30, Li Yitong responded to the debate on her main account:

  1. I was in Shanghai for the first half of the year. As I didn’t leave home to work, therefore I didn’t earn any money, but I did save a bit so thats why I can support [myself].
  2. I don’t usually take the subway. My home is very close to many shopping centers, so I can walk there. Disneyland is very far. Normally, you would call a taxi [to go]. That’s why I wasn’t too familiar with the subway, so I took the opposite subway. I take the company car when I work.
  3. By posting this, I just wanted to say that everyone is impacted by this and it’s not easy. No matter what type of work it is, it hasn’t been as smooth as it used to be. I hope everyone can cheer up and overcome the difficulties together.
  4. Don’t know why the yxh accounts (marketing) suddenly posted this all together. You guys haven’t reached your KPI, right?

Li Yitong also left comments on her post telling people, “Don’t scroll this sh*tty topic anymore. So annoying” and “I didn’t provoke anyone of you. It was already really hard this year and still need to encounter these unlucky hot searches.”

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)