Wife of Jackie Chan’s Estranged Daughter, Etta Ng, Denies They are Homeless After Etta Ng was Reportedly Spotted Lining Up to Get Food Provisions from Food Bank

Jackie Chan (成龍) and Elaine Ng’s (吳綺莉) daughter, Etta Ng (吳卓林), and her Canadian wife, Andi, have previously been very public about their financial problems in the past. One of the reasons for the rift between Elaine Ng and Etta Ng is that the former felt Andi, who is 34 years old to Etta Ng’s 23, was taking advantage and leeching off her daughter. Elaine Ng has criticized Andi in the past for being lazy, not getting a job, and is relying on Etta Ng to support her. Etta Ng also accused Elaine Ng of being homophobic.

Since Etta Ng and Andi got married in 2018, they have moved around between Hong Kong and Canada. On October 9, a clip was circulating of Etta Ng spotted in Canada seemingly waiting on line to get food provisions from a food bank, which led to rumors the two are homeless and needing financial support.

In response to the rumors, Andi recently uploaded a clip on Instagram showing their current abode and clarified their living conditions aren’t as bad as it was being talked about by the public and expressed they are not homeless. Andi also said she and Etta Ng’s current lifestyle is very happy and wonderful and told everyone not to worry.

Credit: hk01

One thought on “Wife of Jackie Chan’s Estranged Daughter, Etta Ng, Denies They are Homeless After Etta Ng was Reportedly Spotted Lining Up to Get Food Provisions from Food Bank

  1. Can they stop reporting on Etta already? Is the emotional damage not enough for the media? Even if it’s a financially difficult life, I hope Etta is happy and can live in peace. Etta didn’t ask to be born and under constant scrutiny of the media for her parents’ stupidity. This is ridiculous.

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