Dilraba’s Studio Takes Legal Action Against Gossip Blogger’s Photoshopped Picture of Her with a Man

Dilraba (迪丽热巴) has been dragged into several rumors stemming from late last year. One gossip blogger had recently been spreading a lot of rumors about Dilraba. On January 3, these bloggers shared a picture of Dilraba with a man, trying to start up rumors asking people to guess who the identity of the man. However, it was later discovered the picture was photoshopped. The original picture is of Dilraba with a female staff member.

However, Dilraba’s studio issued a statement denying the recent slew of rumors including one where she was rumored to be pregnant. The studio made a statement saying all the rumors spreading about Dilraba recently are fake, the content is malicious, and were created out of nothing. The studio says they have already started the legal process to sue those perpetrating the rumors.

The picture has since been deleted by the gossip blogger.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)

2 thoughts on “Dilraba’s Studio Takes Legal Action Against Gossip Blogger’s Photoshopped Picture of Her with a Man

  1. Don’t people have better things to do with their time than to make up rumors of celebrities they dislike? Just ignore the celebrity and live your life! Smh.

  2. How sick can you be to try to destroy someone’s career for no reason except for your need to get few more clicks on SM..

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