Stanley Cheung and Koni Lui Respond to Rumors They Were “Hanging Out” in VIP Room By Themselves and Koni Lui’s Bad Attitude

Stanley Cheung and Koni Lui Respond to Rumors They Were "Hanging Out" in VIP Room By Themselves and Koni Lui's Bad Attitude

It must be a slow news week in Hong Kong. Following the recent rumors of TVB actress, Koni Lui (呂慧儀), yelling at a TVB Entertainment News reporter and her reportedly picking on extra actors, rumors are rampant that Stanley Cheung (張景淳) and Koni Lui were “hanging out” in the TVB studio’s VIP make up room by themselves. The same insider who said Koni Lui acts like a big shot and picks on supporting actors from the show, also said that everyone knows she and Stanley Cheung are dating, but she wouldn’t admit it. This person even said they are always missing for a few hours and are holed up in the VIP make up room.

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Are Koni Lui and Stanley Cheung Dating?

Koni Lui admitted she and Stanley Cheung do go into the VIP make up room, but it’s to help each other film clips to upload online. She also reiterated that there are cameras everywhere and told everyone not to overthink it. Koni Lui also said she doesn’t want to respond to her rumors with Stanley Cheung anymore.

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Stanley Cheung also addressed the rumors on IG. He said, “I think there is a need to clarify. Because the fact is that it was work and things are being made up about it, I feel very wronged.” He explained he helped Koni Lui a few days ago to film a sponsored clip she had to upload. Stanley Cheung helped her film for two days to add additional shots. He also emphasized the VIP room had a 24 hour camera.”

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🙄我覺得有必要講清楚 因為實情是工作反而被亂說係好委屈的 前幾天幫忙為蟹完成錄製網上廣告片。在根本沒有多餘時間剩的全廠full schedule工作天裡,蟹趁中午lunch break把握時間,借用了化妝間裡面;備有獨立洗手盤(和設有24hr監控鏡頭的)的vip化妝房間作拍攝用途,拍攝洗手示範片段。分開了兩天拍攝(第二次因要補拍追加內容)。兩次每次分別借用大概10分鐘左右,拍攝了合共20多30個take的家居洗手示範廣告片,務求拍出一條最好效果的成品交貨。(自己看圖) (不負責的知情者,你對眼咩事呢🙄?生理時鐘定隻錶有問題?定以為個間係精神時光屋裡面十分鐘=外面三個鐘?好喜歡造謠?不如唔好咁啦) 另外,成個團隊都知道,蟹係一位人前人後都表裡如一,為人率直大情大性的藝人。平時十分照顧團隊,對業餘特約表現顯得很迷茫的時候或持續達不到所需要求時,都會盡量幫助,提點和示範。 無論係互相幫忙拍片,定演員間互相提點幫助大家做好啲,大家一直都係貫徹緊一個團隊/一家人嘅精神。盡力喺有限時間有效率完成工作。所以作品先至日日速遞到俾大家。 我覺得今次有點不公平。係過分。 明白的,最近無新聞。 就這樣吧。 #講真 #如果真有三個鐘空閒大家都寧願恰下叉電 #不要製造謠言啦 #永遠都有個知情者 #不負責任的知情者 #唔知亂報料能獲得什麼獎賞 #搞清楚先寫啦 #如果一個女人日日努力工作日拍夜拍 #接job賺錢養家湊仔 #lunch都唔食 #實在唔應該俾你位閒來無事嘅幕後知情者嚟老作講閒話 #好人都俾你激死 #如果係男人 #自己搵啲嘢做啦 #何必八八卦卦 #良心 #良知

A post shared by 張景淳Stanley Cheung (@cheungstanley) on

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He defended Koni Lui’s rumors about having a bad attitude. He said, “Also, the whole crew knows. “Crab” (Koni) treats everyone the same. She is a very straightforward and passionate artist. She normally takes care of the team. She would always help out, give pointers, and demonstrate when there is confusion. I think it’s a bit unfair this time. It crossed the line. I understand, there hasn’t been news lately. Just let it be. #dontstartrumors”

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As for Koni Lui’s reported bad attitude, Helen Sun (鍾凱琪), who plays “Mrs. Chan” in “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold”, said to, “I actually have very little scenes with Koni. I really don’t understand why there are such rumors.” Kitty Chong, who says, “I am pretty dull. I don’t feel anyone yelling at me. Filming for so long, I’ve never been yelled at either. She is a very nice person. She would treat me to foods. We get along really well. She is very nice. If I didn’t like her, I wouldn’t help her get face masks. There are times when I would make mistakes. All of them would remind me. It’s not just her. I don’t have any hard feelings. Them giving me reminders is just watching out for me. In fact, it’s better to tell me face to face than talk behind my back.”

Cinda Hui, who plays “Isabella Kwan”, said, “No such thing happened. Koni didn’t pick on us minor characters. She is a very nice person. She even jokes with us. She even reminds us of our lines. We get along really well.”

Koni Lui responded to Stanley Cheung’s IG post and said two newspapers keep going back and forth with their own versions to the story.

Credit: hk01, Stanley Cheung IG

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