The Winner of the “Rap of China” Resurrection Battle is…

Rap of China Resurrection Battle

Air! (艾熱).  Air beat out five others, including Nick Chou, to take the last spot in the final round of “Rap of China”《中國新說唱》.  In the resurrection battle, each person has to prepare a new song against their opponent, so one person could be rapping five songs.  Air sang five songs, beating out Air beat out Xiao Qinglong (小青龍), Mansuk (滿舒克), JelloRio (李佳隆), Nick Chou (周湯豪), and Wang Yitai (王以太).

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See related post: Air Wins Season 2 of “Rap of China”

Three Consecutive Wins

Air selected Mansuk in the first round and performed “West Side.”  He also included auto-tune in the performance, which ultimately gave him the edge to beat Mansuk 2 votes to 1.  In the second round, he went up against Wang Yitai.  Due to Yitai going off key a bit, Air beats him 2 votes to 1 once again to advance to the third round.  In the third round, Air goes up against Xiao Qinglong and due to a small mistake by Xiao Qinglong, Air beats him 2 to 1, winning three consecutive battles. 

Climatic 4th Round

See related post: Nick Chou Eliminated from “Rap of China” Semi-final

When it came to the 4th round, Nick chose to go up against Air, who used to be on the same team as him.  Nick chose to sing “Romance in the Rain” (情深深雨濛濛), while Air sang, “Return Home” (家走).  Air tells the audience, “I hope everyone closes their eyes while listening to this song.  Every time you want to return home, every time you don’t have anything to yearn for, thinking about that visual, just close your eyes and listen to this song.” 

When Air was done, there was no clapping or cheers.  After about 15 seconds of silence, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.  Wilber Pan said, “There was absolute silence, not because it wasn’t good, it’s because they were shocked.  Sometimes, silence is actually the greatest form of applause.  He is a genius.”  When it came to voting, Wilber purposely let A-Yue Chang and Kris Wu go first before he gave his.  He started off with, “First off, I have an affinity with both.  Based on performance, it would be Air, but I still need to support my teammate.”  Even though Wilber gave his vote to Nick, alas it was still 2 to 1 in Air’s favor, letting Air advance into the fifth and final round. 

Final Round

For the last round, Air sang “Enough” (受夠了).  He got the crowd going and won all three votes.  Air, winning five consecutive battles, gets the last spot and advances to the finals. 

Credit: (1, 2), Apple Daily