Nick Chou Eliminated from “Rap of China” Semi-final

Nick Chou Jike Junyi Rap of China

Due to equipment failure, it ruined what would’ve been a perfect performance by Taiwanese artist and contestant, Nick Chou (周湯豪) and Chinese artist, Jike Junyi (吉克雋逸).  On the most recent episode of “Rap of China”《中國新說唱》, Nick was up against Lexie Liu (劉柏辛) to determine third and fourth place where only one can move on to the semi-final.

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During Nick and Jike’s performance, there was something wrong with the equipment, which coaches, G.E.M (鄧紫棋)  and Wilber Pan (潘瑋柏) noticed.  The two immediately stood up trying to alert someone to stop the performance, but their microphones were off.  G.E.M was so mad she went backstage.  After the two finished performing, the director of the show came out and explained to the audience, “The first twenty seconds of the performance didn’t have an accompanying track.  Do you guys wish to give Nick and Jike another chance to perform again?”

Watch Nick and Jike’s first performance:

G.E.M and Wilber Pan Sound Off 

G.E.M expressed there was no way for Nick and Jike to accomodate due to the glitch.  She goes, “The feeling is different now.  The first performance has no more feelings.  At least give them a chance and let them have a complete performance.”  Wilber also added, “I don’t easily get pissed off, but this really pisses me off.”

After Nick and Jike finished their second performance, G.E.M expresses, “I really respect you two.  I am feeling conflicted because I am pissed and happy at the same time because you guys didn’t let the first performance affect you.  I am very proud!”

Credit: iQiyi

The Deciding Factor

It came down to Kris Wu’s vote being the deciding factor.  He felt Nick’s performances haven’t evolved and ultimately chose Lexie to advance to the next round, eliminating Nick in fourth place. 

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Nick: There is no regret

Nick went to his Weibo to express his feelings about the result.  He goes, “Because of my dreams, I forgot a lot of things.  Even putting in so much efforts and I still haven’t achieved anything.  I’ve thought about giving up.  The trap of failing, dreams and reality are constantly testing my perseverance.  Maybe I am not that eloquent, but the lyrics in my songs have always represented my feelings.  This episode finally aired, I can finally breathe.  Being able to perform my mom’s song, “Dear John” with Jike is considered a good talking point.  Even though all my works in this competition were rushed, but this summer, there is no regret.  Thank you everyone.”

In response to haters, Nick expresses, “Are you trying to get popular? Can you do it?  I am using my skills to prove myself.  I made it to fourth place.  If you guys don’t think this is right, then you join the competition next year and prove yourself.” 

Credit: Apple Daily TW, (1, 2

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