Joey Law and Roxanne Tong Remain Friends After Breakup

Joey Law 31st Birthday Roxanne Tong

TVB artists, Joey Law (羅天宇) and Roxanne Tong (湯洛雯), secretly dated for four years until they announced their breakup in March of this year.  Although the couple have always been rumored to be dating, the two never admitted it until they shared a picture of them sharing a kiss when they were celebrating his birthday with friends last year.  In fact, Joey Law even said everyone was pressuring them to kiss, which they happily obliged.  He also revealed the celebration was held at Roxanne Tong’s home.  Unfortunately, the two announced their breakup shortly afterwards, but both emphasized it was an amicable breakup.  

Roxanne Tong is Accustomed to Being Single

Today is Joey Law’s 31st birthday and the only thing different from last year is the change of venue from Roxanne Tong’s home to a BBQ restaurant.  A lot of TVB artists, including ex-girlfriend, Roxanne Tong were present for his birthday bash.  It seems the two have remained good friends even after their breakup.  Who is notably missing is new rumored girlfriend, Jeannie Chan (陳瀅), who has vehemently denied dating Joey Law.  Rumored couple, Moon Lau and Adrian Chau were also in attendance.  

Dating Rumors Between Joey Thye and Joey Law Heat Up After They’re Seen Hanging Together

Joey Law posted a group picture of the birthday celebration with Roxanne Tong standing quite close to him.  He even posted an IG story tagging Roxanne Tong.  Although the kissing was left to friend, Alan Wan (温家偉) instead of Roxanne Tong and it seems Joey Law didn’t really enjoy it as much.    

Roxanne Tong Denies Dating Elaine Yiu’s Ex-Boyfriend

Joey Law 31st Birthday Alan Wan Kiss

Watch the IG stories of Joey Law’s birthday:

Credit: Apple, Joey Law’s IG