2018 TVB Anniversary Awards Show – Winner List

2018 TVB Anniversary Awards Show

2019 TVB Anniversary Awards Show – Winner List

2019 TVB Anniversary Awards Buzz: Rumors and Predictions Around Best Actor and Best Actress

Best Drama Series – “Life on the Line”

Best Actor in a Leading Role  – Joe Ma for “Life on the Line”

Best Actress in a Leading Role – Ali Lee for “Who Wants a Baby?” 

Most Popular Male Character – Kenneth Ma for “Deep In The Realm Of Conscience”

Most Popular Female Character – Alice Chan for “Deep In The Realm Of Conscience”

Best Actress in a Supporting Role – Mandy Lam for “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold”

Best Actor in a Supporting Role – Oscar Leung for “OMG, Your Honour”

Most Popular On-Screen Partnership – Edwin Siu and Raymond Cho for “Two Men In A Kitchen”

Most Improved Male Artist – Matthew Ho

Most Improved Female Artist – Crystal Fung 

Best Host – Kristal Tin for “Pretty Forty”

Lifetime Achievement Award – Nancy Sit