Lisa Ch’ng Under Fire for Leaking Cathay Pacific Crew List Over a Pen

Lisa Ch'ng Under Fire for Leaking Cathay Pacific Crew List Over a Pen

TVB artist Lisa Ch’ng (莊思明) posted an essay on her social media accounts yesterday detailing her ordeal on a Cathay Pacific economy flight to Thailand where she was denied service. She claims she pressed the service button three times to ask for a pen to fill out her customs forms, but no one would serve her. She says she discovered a flight attendant had turned off the button behind her back and then walked away on the third try. So she pressed it for the fourth time and finally got her pen.

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However, she felt the need to complain about her experience to a higher ranked flight attendant so she pressed the service button again. A male flight attendant apologized to her nonstop and said he would bring this up with a manager. When he asked her how she wanted to proceed, she just said she wanted “to reflect on the situation.”

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Afterwards, she posted a Cathay Pacific crew list of the flight she took that day on IG story and even called out the male flight member that apologized to her. She said, “The male flight attendant with the good attitude should be XX because he had a Singaporean-Malaysian accent. This time I can really praise him well.”

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*長文 慎入* 大家好,我今日飛咗去曼谷啦,原本諗住可以開開心心輕鬆兩日點知係機上發生咗一d小插曲! 話說我今次嚟曼谷係參加一個朋友嘅宴會,因為機票同酒店都係朋友準備嘅所以我並沒有多加要求,而國泰嘅economy對我嚟講亦係相當舒適,服務一向亦非常專業! 講返正題先,我今朝乘坐嘅航班係國泰嘅CX 619,我坐位係43D,我係航班中途㩒咗個叫空中服務員嘅燈因為我想借支筆填入境表。 我㩒咗一次好耐都冇人嚟於是我就睇睇我坐位上嘅燈,咦,點解熄咗但又冇人問我有咩需要嘅🤔? 唔緊要,我再㩒過,點知又係俾人熄咗。 之後我㩒第3次,今次我就刻意向後啤睇吓會唔會睇到究竟發生咩事,終於俾我睇到啦,原來有個空姐係我後面熄咗我盞燈然係就擰轉面行開咗!佢係完全冇問過我有咩需要就行開咗,我想叫都叫唔住佢! 其實我好明白空中服務員嘅工作係非常忙碌,有時候會唔覺意miss咗都唔出奇,特別係economy class因為佢哋要照顧大量乘客所以我都好體諒,但當我一而再再而三都被忽略嘅時候,加上我親眼見到個位空中服務員嘅行為,我開始明白事情可能並唔係我想像中咁簡單! 跟住我再㩒第4次,終於有個女仔急急腳走嚟,然後好有禮貎問我有咩需要跟住我就問佢借咗支筆填表。填完表後我諗咗一陣剛剛發生嘅事,我覺得有需要同機上嘅高級空中服務員表達,因為我唔希望呢種不快嘅事情會發生喺其他人身上。 於是我再㩒燈,借筆俾我個位空姐再次出現,我還返支筆俾佢嘅同時我同佢講,希望可以將我嘅感受同佢上司反映。佢問我發生咩事,於是我就敘述返整個過程。佢好好,佢馬上就幫我同咗佢上司反映,之後就有一位比較高級嘅男空中服務員過嚟問我更多detail。佢態度好好,不停同我講唔好意思同埋佢不停來來回回咁幫我揾係邊個空姐咁唔專業。 過咗幾分鐘左右個男空中服務員過嚟搵我,佢同我講佢已經同經理講咗件事同埋已經發現咗係邊個,佢問我想點處理。 我向佢表示其實我只係想反映件事,希望呢種事情唔會發生喺其他乘客身上。 佢不停向我道歉,佢絕對係一個非常專業同有禮貌嘅空中服務員所以我都想係呢到同佢講聲多謝🙏🏻 (好後悔冇問佢叫咩名) 我講件事出嚟係希望國泰可以積極處理類似嘅問題,因為作為全球其中一間最可信嘅航空公司發生咁嘅事實在係令我好驚訝😦 如果國泰嘅高層想了解更多關於這次事件嘅詳情,我絕對歡迎你哋同我聯絡! 再一次多謝個位男空中服務員同機艙經理嘅幫忙🙏🏻 Thank you! @cathaypacific #cathaypacific #國泰航空

A post shared by Lisa 莊思明 리 사 (@lisa_chng) on

When netizens blasted her for releasing the list of the flight crew, Lisa Ch’ng said she checked with her lawyer and didn’t commit any crimes because she didn’t release any personal information such as phone numbers or IDs, etc. People were also curious as to how she was able to obtain the list of the flight crew. She said she wouldn’t drag her friends into this and would take responsibility for her actions. The Cathay Pacific Flight Attendant Union (FAU) disagrees with her stint and posted the following message.

Credit: Apple Daily HK,, Lisa Ch’ng IG

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