Marco Ngai Looks Back on Relationship with Ex-Girlfriend, Joyce Tang

Marco Ngai Looks Back on Relationship with Ex-Girlfriend, Joyce Tang

Marco Ngai (魏駿傑) and Joyce Tang (滕麗名) were once TVB’s “golden couple”. They dated in 1998 when they filmed the first “Armed Reaction” (陀槍師姐) series. Their relationship lasted for almost 10 years until they broke up in 2007. The media had painted Marco Ngai as the bad person in the break up. It was rumored his now estranged wife, Zhang Lihua (張利華), was the third person in their relationship.

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Marco Ngai and Zhang Lihua

In 2010, a fan had once left a comment for Marco Ngai saying that if he was still with Joyce Tang, it would be even more perfect. Marco Ngai responded back to this person and said, “This type of lowly person is better to throw away early!” Joyce Tang had seemingly responded to his comment saying, “Feeling happy, won’t be scolding people everywhere.” Marco Ngai had followed up saying his account was hacked and it wasn’t him who left the comment.

Marco Ngai and Joyce Tang

Back in January, Zhang Lihua had admitted they were already separated for over five years and that Marco Ngai was taking care of their daughter. When he was approached by Oriental Daily News recently, reporters mentioned how lots of people said his failed marriage was a result of the way he treated Joyce Tang back in the day.

He responded, “A lot of people think I did a lot of wrong things, thinking I didn’t treat Joyce Tang well. In this day and age, whatever debt I owed, I already repaid! Looking back to the past, you can’t say who was treating who bad. You can only say that our fate was already up. People said I didn’t treat her well. Maybe it’s that I don’t have the qualifications to love her, so I lost her. It’s fair. Even though we’ve split for so long, I do pay attention and care about her news. Like when she got injured earlier, I saw the news and immediately thought, ‘Ay! How come this happened?’. Her husband is really good. He would definitely do better than me. I know the new “Armed Reaction” series is about to start filming. Even though I am not a part of it, but this series is a record of this relationship. I hope the series does well and more so, hope that Joyce Tang will be well for the rest of her life.”

Joyce Tang showing off her husband’s Hermes present to her

As for his outlook on romance, Marco Ngai says he is not a person who has much motives. He said, “People that don’t treat me well, I don’t know how to resist, just like this marriage. I am always cowering, don’t know my limits, don’t know how to handle things, so the only thing I can do is cower to a certain point. Even I think it’s shameful.”

Marco Ngai also finally admitted to the end of his marriage. He says he is still hurt from the failure of his marriage and doesn’t want to head into another relationship. He expressed, “Impossible. At this moment, I won’t marry again. Will not marry for the rest of my life.”


One thought on “Marco Ngai Looks Back on Relationship with Ex-Girlfriend, Joyce Tang

  1. Though I 3think someone who cheat on their partner are saints, I don’t believe one who become a homewrecker are, either and that’s what Joyce was, as Matthew was still married when she became involved with him, while I did read she took step back, until Matthew was divorced, the damage had already been done when you think on it. It’s one thing she tells Matthew she wouldn’t consider even after his divorce then another, just letting it flow, because if Matthew haven’t met joyce, Hon question he’d still be married to his ec, because then he’d have been divorce by then, but his divorce only came after he met joyce, unless someone can link me a timeline that’s different than what news said. So like I said, she’s really not a saint herself.

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