Huang Zitao Lashes Out at Keyboard Warriors Accusing Him of Clout Chasing with Recent Weibo Posts

Huang Zitao Lashes Out at Keyboard Warriors Accusing Him of Clout Chasing with Recent Weibo Posts

Huang Zitao (黄子韬) has been very active posting on Weibo lately. He has also been trending for some of his content like his love confession for a foreign girl during a live stream, an edited post that originally contained IU’s picture, his tribute to a recently deceased fan who previously gifted him fan art, and most recently, a post about reaching out to a Tibetan man named Tenzin or Ding Zhen (丁真) in Chinese, who became an internet sensation for his innocence and boyish charms.

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Within weeks, Tenzin has become an internet celebrity with his live streams on Douyin and constantly trends for everything he does. Tenzin is 20 years old and hails from Litang County in the Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan. He doesn’t know Chinese but is in the process of learning it with the help of his new management company. He was trending on November 28 when he posted a poster of him practicing Chinese characters and telling fans that he is really from Sichuan and asked people to stop photoshopping him in pictures.

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Huang Zitao seems to be a fan of Tenzin as he made a post on November 28, tagging him and saying, “Brother, wait until I’m finished filming and I’ll go to Sichuan to see you! Give me your contact information. Let’s chat in private. I already know.” Many netizens accused Huang Zitao of using Tenzin to gain clout and popularity. Some people even brought up IU from the previous live stream incident and used this opportunity to yell at him.

Huang Zitao’s post reaching out to Tenzin

This led to Huang Zitao writing a long post addressing the keyboard warriors’ comments once and for all. Huang Zitao, who just celebrated surpassing 60 million followers on Weibo, wrote:

“A bunch of people who are nothing just saying this and that everyday. If I really liked someone, wanted to see someone, you think my chances of success are higher or your chances are higher? If I go, I’d bring a film crew to do environmental protection. What are you doing there? Last time’s live stream, I didn’t mention any nonsense that seemed like I was painting gold on my face. Tell me what do I need to chase? Clout, volume, money, fame and fortune. What am I lacking? It’s my freedom as an ordinary person to post whatever I like. You treat me like a celebrity which means you think I am better than you. Don’t bring your thoughts onto me!

Whoever you are a fan of has absolutely nothing to do with me. Don’t think of yourself being so almighty in the name of being a celebrity’s fan. How amazing is it to mingle in your so-called fan circle? Who knows you? Get away from the internet and come out. See if you’re living life as you wanted, whether you’re living out the life you’re living. People who really like you, it’s not because you are someone’s fan or how you express yourself on the internet with their avatar that makes you awesome. It’s whether if you can live out an even better version of yourself, which is what they want to see even more! Don’t like it, then don’t follow me. Don’t watch my movements, but if you don’t want to watch it and was still able to watch it, then I am sorry, hold back.”

Huang Zitao didn’t let this bother him and continued posting on Weibo after venting out.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

9 thoughts on “Huang Zitao Lashes Out at Keyboard Warriors Accusing Him of Clout Chasing with Recent Weibo Posts

  1. Wooowww thats why i really like him.. He has his ground… Do not concern yourself to those who have nothing to do though… They are just insecure.. If you believe in yourself then they dont a say to it. You cant be bothered bout theyre thoughts bout you.. Because its you it’s about you and only you💜💜💜cheer up 😊😊😊😊

  2. This is what a real man is…
    He says whatever in his mind boldly and each and every single word of his post is the truth..
    And that why, I really think highly of him
    I really admire you Huang Z.Tao🐼❣️

  3. Huang Zitao is still human too like us ordinary people. Well said Huang! I dont understand some people venting their jealousy or what to other people who are successfull ,maybe they just want attention or they are just envious of how happy you are and so free spirited. They just making themselves fool by saying mean words. Whatever you do I’ll support you all the way! 🤗

    1. Bravo Super Brave that what i loke about Ztao 😍 I will always support you Huang Zitao😊. A real fan will never mind an Idol private life💛

  4. His life is his to live. I don’t understand the netizens culture where stars aren’t allowed to date or eat or breathe. That’s sad. And yet these people won’t ever even get to meet the ones they want to control with their keyboard

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