Second Chinese Fan Comes Forward Alleging WayV’s Lucas Cheated on Her, Asked for Luxury Gifts, and Badmouthed Other Members

After a Korean netizen and a Chinese netizen accused WayV’s Lucas (黄旭熙) of many allegations, a third netizen has come forward on August 24 with her story. The third netizen is a second Chinese fan who posted several chat screenshots almost three hours after the first Chinese fan. She said she didn’t intend to share her story, but after seeing the similar timelines between the other girls and people accusing them of creating rumors, she wanted to come forward and prevent other girls from getting hurt by a “PUA” (Pick Up Artist).

This fan said she really liked him and would sometimes go to his events. At one event, she was able to find “lucas’s iphone” through AirDrop. She just playfully sent an emoji to him and from that day on, they started contacting and added each other on WeChat.

In the second screenshot, she revealed that Lucas would suggest to go visit her home when he found out that she had a place at a location where he had an event. He told her that he wanted to go to a place without anyone. After he told her he didn’t have a girlfriend, she didn’t think too much and let him go to her place as she really liked him at the time. She said had she known he had a girlfriend (Korean netizen), she would definitely not let him go to her place or do have any of the following interactions with him. When he was done with his schedule, she picked him up at his hotel to head back to her place. He told her that his manager was sleeping in the next room and wouldn’t know he was gone.

Screenshot showing “Lucas’s iPhone” on AirDrop and the same username, lokass444

Once they got back to her place, Lucas reportedly started smoking and offered her to join him. Afterwards, they started drinking and Lucas started to talk to her. “He described his best friend that didn’t debut was garbage during his trainee days.” He said his members didn’t listen, didn’t work hard, didn’t practice, and couldn’t get them to be active. He said a certain member stole his fashion resources, said some people who don’t have any skills rely on their face to debut.” He said he didn’t like “Keep Running” as it was tiring and the seniors gave him a lot of stress. He also didn’t like fans taking pictures at the airport. He reportedly told her his family’s financial condition wasn’t good as his father has failed investments. So he had to earn money to buy a home, a car, and everything else. He even complained about how this society can be unfair.

He ended up sleeping at her home. The next day, she called a car for him to return to his hotel before he started his schedule.

Picture of Lucas reportedly staying the night at this fan’s home.

In the third screenshot, she explained that whenever he went to her home, he would always find an excuse to say that he didn’t bring enough clothes. He told her to buy clothes for him to bring over and allegedly gave her these name brands, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga and said he didn’t like Burberry, which he was working with at the time.

In the fourth screenshot, when he had schedules, she would ask him if he wanted her to go. He would dissuade her from going by occasionally saying it was a waste of time and that her studies were important. She thought he was being thoughtful back then, but realized that he had other people to see.

Harrod’s receipt of the luxury item she reportedly bought for Lucas

He would occasionally ask her if she had a home when she went to his events. He asked if she lived alone and when she revealed that she had a roommate, he was gone and didn’t respond to her messages. She didn’t like being at his beck and call and laid it out in December. He told her that he was busy with his schedule to dodge her and said they were “friends” so that she wouldn’t expose dirt about him. They eventually stopped contacting each other.

During their interactions, she would constantly ask him if he had a girlfriend and whether he was in contact with other girls. He told her no and even said he has never drank with girls like this before.

After Lucas posted his apology letter on August 25, this fan posted an alleged screenshot of a conversation she had with Lucas back in September 2019. She asked him why he was still posting on Weibo at 3 am. Lucas reportedly said he didn’t post it. When she asked him which types of posts are his, he said his selfies. She included the caption, “What kind of a man are you?”, suggesting that his apology letter wasn’t written by him.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)