Steven Cheung’s Wife Unilaterally Announces They Have Divorced

Steven Cheung’s (張致恒) personal life has been subject of gossip fodder since he was exposed to have cheated on multiple women at the same time when he announced his engagement to his wife, Man Man. Since their marriage in 2019, they have two sons. Due to the scandals and the pandemic, Steven Cheung was said to be in financial trouble, doing odd jobs, and rumored to have moved houses to avoid debts.

However, with Steven Cheung now working in the mainland, there were reports his relationship with his wife, who stayed back in Hong Kong to take care of their children, has deteriorated. On January 27, Man Man, posted on IG story, saying, “Separation doesn’t represent the end, it’s just to let everyone to live better. We officially divorced today. I also truly wish you can be happy.”

Steven Cheung hasn’t made any announcement about the divorce. His last IG post was from Christmas.

As Steven Cheung hasn’t responded to the divorce, his manager told the media, “Sorry, I am not sure, Steven hasn’t reached out to me.” Steven Cheung’s older sister and former artist, Jan Cheung (張詠恩), was also contacted and she said, “Huh? I really just knew about this now. Let them speak on their issues. I won’t respond.” Jan Cheung also revealed that ever since Steven Cheung started working in the mainland, they were no longer in contact.

Credit:, Steven Cheung IG

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