Jerry Yan and Vanness Wu Reminisce about F4 and Reveal Why the Group Disbanded

F4’s Jerry Yan (言承旭) and Vanness Wu (吳建豪) recently reunited as they guested on the recent episode of MangoTV’s “Welcome Back to Sound 2” (朋友请听好2). Even though it was just a F2 reunion, it was long overdue since the last time they were on stage together in 2013. F4 sorta had a reunion in 2020, but everyone knows that didn’t count.

Jerry Yan and Vanness Wu reminisced about past memories and even recorded a Chinese New Year’s greeting for F4 member, Vic Zhou. They even sang the ending song, “Ni Yao De Ai”, by Penny Tai, from the original version of “Meteor Garden”. When host, Xie Na, asked when was the last time they met up, they couldn’t name it. Jerry Yan recalled the last time the four of them were together was at Vanness Wu’s home, which was at least 4-5 years ago. Jerry Yan also noted how recording this show allowed him and Vanness Wu to get a bit closer and release some things.

When host He Jiong, started talking about how F4 was formed differently compared to other groups as they didn’t know each other beforehand and only got together because of the series. Vanness Wu then said in response about the reason for the group’s disbanding, “I actually don’t really like to talk about this, but…Jerry, don’t you think if we were allowed to feel secure back then and we would trust each other, I think it might be different right now.” He also explained if the people leading them at the time had truly cared about how each person felt and was more tolerant and caring, perhaps things would’ve been different.

Jerry Yan agreed and expressed, “Because sometimes there would be times when people’s words get magnified by the members.” They then delved into the reasons that contributed to the group disbanding by explaining that every person had feelings of jealousy, envy, negative emotions, and more. At the end, they all decided to go their separate ways, but it was actually a sigh of relief for them because it felt like it was time.

Vanness Wu also said, “We were actually not particularly happy near the end.” When Vanness Wu asked Jerry Yan how he responds to people asking him if F4 will reunite again, Jerry Yan tells him, “I can.” Vanness Wu reveals lately when he gets asked, he also says, “I can. Go ask the other 3 people.”, eliciting laughter from Jerry Yan and He Jiong.

Credit: MangoTV Youtube, Weibo (1, 2)