TVB Actor, Penny Chan, Struggling Financially to Pay Rent and Support Family of 4 Due to Pandemic and Getting COVID

The fifth COVID wave in Hong Kong has affected a lot of people financially. TVB actor, Penny Chan (陳國峰), posted on March 15, that starting since January, he was dealt with many blows — his father’s sudden passing and his mother getting COVID. Penny Chan’s income has dropped 70% percent because of the pandemic and is solely relying on his TVB salary. His wife has stopped working for two months and hasn’t returned to work yet. On top of it all, Penny Chan also got COVID and is currently quarantining.

Penny Chan said, “Completely 0 income. There was a major crisis that happened with the finances. Even paying rent and eating is a problem. There are still two children in the household.” He previously invested in a ramen shop, but had already withdrew his shares prior to the pandemic. As his income severely decreased, Penny Chan went back to being a fitness instructor. Penny Chan had once worked as a mover making 900 HKD a day due to a lack of jobs back in September 2020. He had also signed up to become a part-time driver, but he couldn’t get past his pride, so he ended up not doing it.

Penny Chan’s father had fell at home and was sent to the hospital, but his condition deteriorated rapidly and sadly passed away from his injuries. His father’s funeral matters could only be carried out in a simple manner. It was a big blow to him. As Penny Chan was also a fitness instructor and his wife worked in beauty and spa, these two industries were affected by the government’s restrictions. As a result, both parties’ income had drastically decreased.

Despite these setbacks, Penny Chan remained positive and said he will continue to be persistent in life and be a responsible father.

Credit: hk01, Penny Chan IG