Jacqueline Wong Reveals Her Contract with TVB has Ended, Indirectly Admits to Relationship with RubberBand Drummer, Lai Man

It has been three years since Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) lost everything because of the “OnSum Cheating Scandal”, in which she was caught cheating with Andy On (許志安), who is married to Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文), in a taxi. Since her “hiatus”, there have been talks with TVB executive, Virginia Lok, that Jacqueline Wong might make a comeback. However, that looks unlikely as Jacqueline Wong had recently revealed to Oriental Daily News that her contract had recently ended and is now unsigned.

Oriental Daily News recently spotted Jacqueline Wong walking her dogs with rumored boyfriend, Lai Man (泥鯭), the drummer of Hong Kong rock band, RubberBand. While Lai Man remained cautious and reserved at the sight of reporters, Jacqueline Wong accepted their interview as they were about to leave the park. When asked about her plans for a comeback, Jacqueline Wong revealed her contract with TVB had already ended and is currently enjoying her current status as being unsigned.

As for her plans for marriage with Lai Man by her side, Jacqueline Wong, said, “This question…I would think about career first.”, which seems to indirectly admit to her relationship with Lai Man. Afterwards, the two were seen returning to Jacqueline Wong’s home together with the doggies, seemingly suggesting they might be cohabiting together.

Even though Jacqueline Wong has been unemployed for more than three years, she seems to be doing okay for herself. According to Oriental Daily News, Jacqueline Wong had changed her old Porsche with a newer model. In addition, she sold a unit last year for 10 million HKD at 10% lower than asking price and still made over 1 million HKD in profits.

On being asked about the news of Jacqueline Wong admitting to her relationship with Lai Man and possibly cohabiting together, ex-boyfriend, Kenneth Ma (馬國明), said, “Of course congratulations, hope she is happy.”

As for Andy On, he was forgiven by Sammi Cheng, but his image was already ruined and had lost a lot of work opportunities. However, in March, he was able to sign with Universal Music with a help from a former colleague.

Credit: hk.on.cc, IG (1, 2)