Evan Lin Yanjun Apologizes and Says He is Currently Single After Fans Go On Unfollowing Spree Following Dating Rumors

After Evan Lin Yanjun’s (林彦俊) studio denied the dating rumors, a large portion of his fans weren’t satisfied with the statement and felt he didn’t really address anything. Some fans said they were okay with him dating as he is 27 after all, but shouldn’t be lying about it when his actions contradict his words. What happened was an exodus of fans who unfollowed him and in turn started exposing his private life. He went from 10.68 million followers on September 4 to 10.55 million after the scandal.

On September 5, Netizens seemingly discovered the identity of the woman accompanying Lin Yanjun to be an internet celebrity by the name of “千不二子” (qian bu erzi). Shortly after, “qian bu erzi” and “sister-in-law” were associated with each other and trending on Weibo. She has since cleared out her Weibo posts.

In addition to that, a fan exposed Lin Yanjun’s company rented out a room for him and he brought their “sis-in-law” to play Texas Hold ‘Em Poker at the end of August. They said he was betting 5,000 RMB a hand and was new at playing this. They said he lost over 200,000 RMB that night.

Later that night, a few of Lin Yanjun’s major fansites went on a livestream to chat, which reached over 44 million views. The fansite owners expressed they weren’t going to do any exposing. However, they claimed a lot of his Weibo posts are plagiarized and there was one occasion he knowingly left fans waiting at the airport by going through another exit.

They also set the record straight on the rumor Lin Yanjun was a “royal” and debuted in fifth place in NINE PERCENT with the help of his company when he never placed in the top 10 during each ranking. The fansites claimed that Lin Yanjun’s company didn’t spend any money for votes and that his fans spent their own money and time voting for him to debut. They also said they spent 7 figures to support him since his debut.

In the middle of the night on September 6, Evan Lin Yanjin, posted an apology, saying, “Since yesterday afternoon to now, because of my own problems, I caused a lot of trouble to everyone. I am very sorry. As a public figure, I should always pay attention to my words and actions. I was negligent. I am currently single. Afterwards, I will also handle my personal relationships and regulate my words and actions.”

Minutes after, Lin Yanjun’s studio posted their own apology note and explained it was a staff member that prepared a yacht and birthday party for Lin Yanjun without his knowledge. They said it was the staff member’s “misconduct” that created the public to misunderstand Lin Yanjun and they will strictly regulate their staff members behavior from here on out.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

2 thoughts on “Evan Lin Yanjun Apologizes and Says He is Currently Single After Fans Go On Unfollowing Spree Following Dating Rumors

  1. Am speechless, how is any of this our business?

    Evan is an amazing actor and has a divine voice!
    Other than enjoying his songs and watching him on screen, why are other things important?

    A celebrity cannot marry all his fans, neither are the fans going to socialize with him by hanging out with him. When he is lonely you can’t console him or lend a shoulder to cry.
    Your relationship is of that of a human and a star in the sky, we are quite distant and will remain distant as it impossible for 1 person to bond closely with so many people. Try and enjoy a celebrity through their work, its useless to analyze their personal life as truth is always subjective and we don’t have the right to dig into others bedrooms no matter how big of a fan we claim to be.

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