Christopher Downs Says “I Love You Infinity” to Daughter, Poppy, in First Divorce Trial Session Against Phoebe Huang

Taiwanese actress, Phoebe Huang (黄嘉千), and Canadian actor, Christopher Downs (夏克立), had their first court session for their bitter divorce battle that contained claims of domestic abuse and infidelity. Phoebe Huang and Christopher Down’s divorce was first announced in July. On September 12, Phoebe Huang attended court with her lawyer in Taiwan. Christopher Downs’ lawyer revealed he is still in Canada and his lawyer said it’s a personal reason that can’t be revealed as to why he couldn’t return to Taiwan to attend the trial.

Phoebe Huang said, “Thanks for your concern.”, when speaking to reporters. As for Christopher Downs, he relayed a letter to their daughter, Poppy, through his lawyer:

“Every day, for the past 10 months, I think of you and wonder how you are. The only time I can see you is on the news or on social media. You are becoming a beautiful young lady. I wanted to be with you every step of the way.

I wish you were in Canada, out of the spotlight, where you can be a regular kid.

Know that, I am always here for you. I will always be here for you. I miss you everyday. I love you infinity.”

He signed it “Daddy, Christopher Downs.”

Two days later, Christopher Downs posted this text about men being falsely accused in divorce cases. When news about the divorce was reported, there were allegations Christopher Downs had abused Phoebe Huang and cheated on her, which he has denied.