Joe Chen’s Studio Denies Old Rumors Once Again Saying She was Involved with a “W Surname Male Artist”

Joe Chen (陳喬恩) was trending recently when two paparazzi streamers brought up old rumors once again. On September 15, two paparazzi streamers were talking about a whole bunch of artists and brought up Joe Chen’s name.

They mentioned a 2016 rumor about Joe Chen saying she “slept with a W surname little fresh meat (xiao xian rou)”. It was rumored the male artist’s mother went on the film set because she was so mad about what happened. Leo Wu Lei (吴磊) was rumored to be the “W surname male artist” as he filmed with Joe Chen before. Both parties already denied it at the time, however the 6 year old rumor was brought up again.

The two guys mentioned that Zhuo Wei, who was known as “Mainland China’s No. 1 paparazzo” at the time, said this actress invited a “W surname little fresh meat” to go over the script at night. He said that “W surname little fresh meat” is actually not Leo Wu Lei, but “a top celebrity more popular with a higher celebrity status than Wu Lei. This shouldn’t be hard to guess.”

On September 15, Joe Chen’s studio issued a statement denying the rumors once again, saying, “These rumors that make people laugh and cry come again…Not only was there never a ‘W surname male artist’ in existence, there was never any male artist with other surnames.” The studio also said they will be taking legal action against the rumor starters.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3)