Pictures and Texts of Raymond Wong’s Wife and Another Man Released, Raymond Wong: There is Nothing to Comment

Pictures and Texts of Raymond Wong's Wife and Another Man Released, Raymond Wong: There is Nothing to Comment

TVB actor, Raymond Wong (黃浩然) and his wife, Kaka Mok (莫家嘉) got married in 2005 and have two beautiful sons.  To everyone, Raymond and Kaka always seem like a wonderful couple.  Raymond has a very good image and rarely any rumors throughout his career.

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However, Ming Pao Daily News alleges they received an anonymous letter with questionable “intimate” pictures of Kaka and another man.  Attached with the letter were also “intimate” text message conversations suspected to be between Kaka and the man.  The anonymous source also alleges Kaka is ruining another family, hinting the man in the picture is married.

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Raymond:  I probably have a lot of these pictures too.

When Raymond was approached about the pictures and texts, he was a bit stunned.  After reviewing the suspicious items, he calmly says, “These are very old.  I absolutely have trust in my wife.  So there is nothing to comment.  No one can hurt my family because we’re very close and tight-knit.”  When asked if he knew the man in the pictures, Raymond says no.  On whether he would discuss this with Kaka, Raymond says, “I will definitely tell her that this happened.  We don’t have secrets.  We’ll just treat it like a joke.  But actually, I probably have a lot of these pictures too.  Because we’re all friends and we come out to have fun, it’s very normal.  It’s not a big deal.”

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Raymond: This happened late in my career. 

A reporter asks if he’ll warn his wife to be more careful in the future, Raymond says, “There is no need.  We’ll just live like we normally do.  I am not unhappy, but just think it’s weird something like this happened.  To me, this is very common.  For me to have a situation like this occur is considered late.  I’ve been in the industry for over 20 years and for this to happen so late in my career, it’s already late.”

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The anonymous letter also published Raymond’s father in law’s name.  On how he felt about this, he replies, “I’m definitely mad.  It’s a very big issue to write about my family and to write his name in red ink.  It doesn’t even concern him.  I am a public figure, so I don’t really care.  I won’t comment on this issue any further to prevent any counterattack.”

Credit: Ming Pao, Raymond Wong IG