It seems when things are going well for rising celebrities, negative news will always follow. It’s no different for popular Chinese heartthrob actor, Xu Kai (許凱), known for portraying “Fu Heng” (傅恒) in the popular Chinese palace drama “Story of Yanxi Palace” (延禧攻略). Before this piece of news, Xu Kai already had several rumors regarding his love life, like cheating on rumored girlfriend, Bai Lu (白鹿).
Huanyu Entertainment Denies Rumors of Xu Kai and Bai Lu Dating and Living Together
Xu Kai’s former girlfriend, “大金”, which translates to “Big Gold”, is a popular internet celebrity who alleges Xu Kai was abusive towards her. Xu Kai actually went to Weibo and expressed, “I admit everything I did wrong. There was arguing, shoving, tearing apart, but not domestic violence. I used to be a bad man, that’s why I long desire to become a good man one day.” However, there were some netizens who still saw him as a “scumbag” (渣男) and a “wifebeater” (家暴男).
Watch “Once Upon a Time in Lingjian Mountain” if You Want to See Xu Kai Shirtless and Cross Dress

On Sept 27th, an old clip of Xu Kai and Big Gold when they were dating was shared online. She is seen hurling insults and pointing fingers at Xu Kai while he is kneeling in the streets, surrounded by people. In the clip, a male friend is calling Xu Kai’s name, but his head remains down. Xu Kai might have been drunk as he was being held up by two male friends, one on each arm. Even then, his legs looked limp as it was semi kneeling on the ground. Big Gold then points at his head and loudly asks him, “Still so arrogant? Do you admit defeat?” Then she is seen jumping around and looking at the screen bragging, “There is no one in this world I can’t handle.”
Yu Zheng Responds to Clip of Bai Lu Pinching Xu Kai’s Butt
Watch the clip here:

In the second part of the clip, Xu Kai is showing Big Gold where she bit him, but she denies this and eventually puts him in a headlock. While these are minor nuances, it seems Big Gold isn’t as gentle as people are portraying her to be. Based on these clips, people are saying Xu Kai might actually be the victim here, but there are pictures of Big Gold and her injuries as a result of being allegedly abused by Xu Kai floating around.
Rumored Couple Xu Kai and Bai Lu are Paired Up Again in “Arsenal Military Academy”
Xu Kai’s Past Dug Up by Netizens Again
Does Xu Kai have a new girlfriend?
Aside from the abusive claims, she also reveals in Bai Lu’s Weibo, there is a picture showing a bed sheet that Xu Kai and her bought together, insinuating he cheated. However, Xu Kai was recently caught wearing a white mouth mask going to Bai Lu’s home and didn’t come out again that night. Sina Entertainment reached out to Xu Kai’s company for a comment and they said they weren’t sure if they were dating, but because this subject had already trended on Weibo’s hot search list, the company will handle this.

Credit:,, Weibo (1, 2)
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A lot we don’t know, so, please reserve your judgement. Second hand/tabloid information is not enough, as it could be bias.
i dun believe this
I don’t think either of them innocent but still he admitted that he was bad and the girl playing victim card.
Anyone know her insta id?
They both might have been abusive toward each other but we will never know the whole.truth. what surprises me more were the 1 ” friends ” that were holding Xu Kai up. Whose friend are they? The girl’s or his? If I was being humiliated like in in public and my friends just watched, the relationship is OVER. If I was the friend, WHY would I just watch it happen? I would drag his drunk butt out of there as fast as I could!
I don’t think that either of them were innocent.
Conheço uma amiga da minha tia, que traía o marido e um dia ele descobriu e separou dela tudo numa boa, mais ela não aceitou ela mesma se machucou e culpou o ex por ter batido nela, foi bem triste no inicio minha tia não sabia que ela tinha mentido mais um dia ela contou o que tinha feito, desde então a tia cortou a amizade e a conselhou ela se tratar pois ela não tá bem mentalmente msm assim a mulher achou graça. Af’s não defendo ninguém, mais por ele ser famoso será que ele realmente bateu nela ? ou ela só está procurando fama denegrindo a imagem dele.? Espero que ele consiga aprender com seus erros e ser uma pessoa melhor, pois todos merecem uma segunda chance.
XU KAI Boa sorte admiro seu trabalho….
Looking at the clip, she isn’t that much better either. She is playing the victim when she is also very abusive toward him by belittling him. The fact that she bragged how she had no problem defeating anyone while belittling him…showed what she is as well.
Xu Kai admitted his wrong doing. Did his ex admit any wrong doing?
It looks more and more like… “he is famous now. Let me try to get famous too by letting people know I was the ex and he was abusive.” That why people would feel sympathy toward her and make her more famous.
It sounds more and more like BS to me.
Do anyone know how to delete or remove this article? Past is past okay. Not to be a bias, but thts the truth
if I killed someone in the past, it’s okay. What’s done is done, that’s the truth 💪☺️
Eu só fã dele eu não acho que ele seja abusivo como ela diz muitas pessoas são capazes de fazer coisas absurdas para ganhar fama pra mim ele e uma vítima e dá pra ver no vídeo o que ela está fazendo e eu chipo muito xu Kai e cheng Xiao Espero muito que os dois fiquem juntos e eu até entendo o lado da garota ela é bem famosa e possa não querer perder sua fama então publicou isso para nao sair como mal
Mas uma das coisas que nunca ficam escondidas por muito tempo é a verdade
I think that both of them are not innocent but for what it shows in the video the girl is the most bad person here for she even admitted that no one could defeat her bit also Xukia did the right thing to confess and admit to his mistakes.
They were probably terrible to each other. Bad people keep terrible company. Its more than likely that Xu kai was a bad person, hopefully he isn’t anymore, but didn’t exactly treat his exgirlfriend right. Of course that also means that his ex-grilfriend probably sucked too. She out there trying to act as if she the victim meanwhile she did a bunch of bad things too.
If I had to choose a side I would be on Xu Kai’s. At least he admitted he was a bad person and is trying to be better. Golden spoon seems like she’s still trying to play victim when in reality they both were probably awful to each other.
He is so charming in his roles it would be a BIG disappointment and heartbreaking if he was really an abusive asshole. Miss Gold Digger is a psycho she looks like she is abusive and egocentric. After saying and filming all that crap I wouldn’t take her seriously unless she has a police report where the case has been thoroughly investigated. God, some people are just spiteful and pathetic.
It takes 2 to tango, I don’t believe that Xu Kai is a bad person before I know what exactly happened in the past.
WTF is up with that clip!?!?