Jan Tse Missing From “Come Home Love” Poster, Fans Worried About Her Leaving

Jan Tse Come Home Love

Former Miss Hong Kong contestant, Jan Tse (謝芷倫), has been receiving a lot of love from fans through her on screen relationship with Mark Ma (馬貫東) in “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold” (愛.回家之開心速遞).  A netizen noticed Jan, who plays Linda Lung’s secretary, “Mandy,” was missing from the promotional poster at a recent event.  Even her on screen partner, Mark Ma was seen in the poster.

Jan Tse Rumored to be Frozen by TVB

Mark Ma and Jan Tse Officially Leaving “Come Home Love – Lo and Behold”

Many fans went to discussion forums leaving comments saying they felt it was unfair for Jan and that she should be included in the promotional material.  One person even said, “I remember when “Lo and Behold” got really popular it was due to Mandy’s character not going for the rich guy and pretending to be “Professor’s” (博士, played by Mark Ma) girlfriend.  Someone even thinks Jan is leaving the series!

Mark Ma Abandons Jan Tse for Shiga Lin in New Series

Although fans are worried, there doesn’t seem to be any merit to their theories of Jan leaving the show.  Jan also doesn’t seem bothered given her recent social media posts.  She even shared a picture from that day’s event. 

Jan Tse and Mark Ma Want a Love Triangle Storyline in “Come Home Love”

Mark Ma and Jan Tse in “Lo and Behold”
Credit: TVB

Credit: hk.on.cc