Dicky Cheung Shares Memories of Abusive Childhood

Dicky Cheung Shares Memories of Abusive Childhood

Hong Kong actor, Dicky Cheung (張衞健), recently visited an elementary school to talk about the setbacks in his life and his faith. He shared one experience dating back to his early days at TVB. His salary was low at that point resulting him not having money for meals. He even struggled to pay for his meals at the TVB canteen. He would act like he forgot his wallet, but the owner was nice enough to let him go each time. After three or four times, the owner urged him to stop acting because he already knew Dicky Cheung didn’t even have money for meals. The owner told him he thought he had potential and believed he would pay him back in the future.

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After 8 years of hard work, Dicky Cheung finally got to be the male lead in a series and eventually paid back the owner. However, years later when Dicky Cheung returned to TVB to visit the owner, he had already passed away. The moral of the story was to remind everyone to cherish the moment. Dicky Cheung expressed, “When we run into obstacles, we can react a bit slowly. We don’t need to quickly get angry, sad, despair, or give up.”

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Dicky Cheung also talked about another setback in his life that goes back to his childhood. He reveals that he was severely abused as a child by his father. Dicky Cheung’s father worked on a ship so he would only be home for three months out of the year. However, once he returned home, he would beat the entire family. His most memorable moment was the time where he and his father were walking in the streets. Dicky Cheung whistled at a very nice car.

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He said, “When we returned home, he threw me from the air onto the bed and beat me until I couldn’t breathe. I almost choked. He would also hit my younger brother until his flesh showed. I remember being 7 or 8 at the time thinking when I would be beat to death by him. Every year he would only come back for 3 months. It’s already been two months. There’s only one month left. He wouldn’t attack every day and I am not always the victim. Every day that passed, I would be a bit happier.”

Dicky Cheung also revealed his parents divorced when he was 14. However he recounts feeling more joy than sadness at the time.

Credit: hk.on.cc, Dicky Cheung Weibo