Edwin Siu and Priscilla Wong Hold Wedding in Bali

Edwin Siu and Priscilla Wong Hold Wedding in Bali

Edwin Siu (蕭正楠) stole the thunder at the 2018 TVB Anniversary Awards show when he thanked his wife, Priscilla Wong (黃翠如), during his acceptance speech. It turns out the two had already registered their marriage with a civil ceremony in New Zealand last April. The two finally decided to hold a wedding in Bali to celebrate with family and friends. The married couple shared pictures on their IG today.

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Edwin Siu responded to the media today, saying: “This wedding was held in the beginning of May. We really wanted to have a wedding with our family and elders and go through the formal ceremonies. It was actually raining when we got here. Who knew that day the heaven created beauty and decided to come out with a rainbow? Our entire family was very happy. Thank you everyone for your blessings!”

The both of them left corresponding heartfelt captions to each IG post of their wedding pictures:

Edwin Siu: “This girl, I like. At this moment, I am still thinking about the time when I sang “For Your Heart Only” (為你鍾情) to you. “

Priscilla Wong: “This boy, I like.”

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Edwin Siu: “On this day, mother personally helped me put on a small gold chain. She said this was what father left for me. It turns out you had already prepared it for me when you were still here. I know you were definitely there watching over us that day, thank you.”

Priscilla Wong: “You are someone who doesn’t have too much thoughts. You just like following me with a silly smile. I said I like simple beauty, plain glamor. You also followed me saying you like it. Fine then. Just like this, you follow me, I follow you. “

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Edwin Siu and Priscilla Wong Registered Marriage in New Zealand Back in April

Edwsin Siu: “I like loving you while you smile. Please continue smiling happily and walk this journey with me in this lifetime. If you don’t mind…let’s meet again in the next lifetime. Pat each’s other forehead and we will remember each other.” This is so sweet. They mentioned this during their vows in the civil ceremony in New Zealand.

Priscilla Wong: “A year ago, it gave the two of us a wedding. A year later, it gave our parents a wedding. Having them is having love. I am thankful for my father and mother, your mother and your father in heaven, for allowing us to gather on this day to share our love. That morning, we encountered another rainbow.”

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Good friend, Stefan Wong (黃祥興), who was present at the wedding, said, “Their wedding this time was primarily held for their family. They treat me like family so Raymond (曹永廉) and I both attended this private wedding banquet.”

About the wedding, Stefan Wong said, “Priscilla was unbelievably gorgeous. Edwin was also unbelievably gorgeous. The wedding venue was also pretty. After the wedding ceremony, we decided on games to play at the dinner. The newlywed and their parents also talked about their feelings. Everyone was teary eyed. It was very touching.”

As for Raymond Cho, he said, “I actually witnessed them knowing each other. I watched them from the beginning and slowly reach to this day. Seeing them like this, I am really happy. They both love each other so much, it’s really rare. Seeing both of the families at the wedding, I felt like my younger brother was getting married.”

Credit: hk.on.cc (1, 2, 3), Priscilla Wong IG