Jeffrey Tung Apologizes for His Red Carpet Fiascos at the 2019 GQ Men of the Year Awards

Jeffrey Tung Apologizes for His Red Carpet Fiascos at the 2019 GQ Men of the Year Awards

GQ magazine held its 10th annual Chinese GQ Men of the Year Awards ceremony in Shanghai on September 6th. This year, fellow “Idol Producer” (偶像练习生) alumni, Jeffrey Tung (董又霖) made his hosting debut on the red carpet. If anyone saw the red carpet segment yesterday, you’ll see how “green” Jeffrey Tung was in terms of his hosting capabilities. He made quite a few mistakes and made some eye brow raising comments about guests arriving on the red carpet. Netizens even tallied up a list of 30 iconic phrases Jeffrey Tung said last night. The topic of Jeffrey Tung hosting the red carpet even trended on Weibo. Due to the backlash from netizens, he issued an apology later that night.

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After the awards ceremony was over, Jeffrey Tung made a post apologizing for his mishaps on the red carpet. His apology read: “No matter how many times you rehearse off stage, it doesn’t compare to the one time experience on stage. Once again, I apologize to everyone for my shortcomings. Thankful to the media and my fans for their encouragement and tolerance, including all the comments and suggestions. I will continue working hard.”

Are Jeffrey Tung and Jin Chen Already Over Before Even Admitting to Dating each Other?

Jeffrey Tung Apologizes for His Red Carpet Fiascos at the 2019 GQ Men of the Year Awards
Li Xian

Actress Jin Chen and Jeffrey Tung from “Idol Producer” Rumored to be Dating

Here were some of the faux pas comments Jeffrey Tung made that night:

  1. Chinese actor Dong Li (董力): “I film for 15 hours a day.”
    Jeffrey Tung: “That’s not too bad.”
  2. R1SE gets off their vehicle and Jeffrey Tung says: “11 people squished into one car? That’s a violation.”
  3. Actor Qu Chuxiao (屈楚萧) is walking towards the red carpet. Jeffrey Tung said, “Welcome Qu Chuxiao…right?”
  4. Jeffrey Tung shakes hands with Allen Deng (邓伦), who used to date Jin Chen (金晨), his rumored girlfriend, but doesn’t interview him.

    Watch the awkwardness here:
  5. “I am scrolling through Weibo and realized you guys are all yelling at me.”
  6. Jeffrey Tung introduces Li Xian (李现) while he’s taking pictures on the red carpet and says, “He gained a lot of “Xian boyfriends”…” After a few seconds of awkward silence, he says, “Xian girlfriends”.

    Watch Jeffrey Tung make his flub at Li Xian’s introduction:
  7. Jeffrey Tung to Arthur Chen Feiyu (陈飞宇): “My cousin really likes your father.” Arthur Chen’s father is famed director, Chen Kaige.
  8. “I’m so bored. Let me sing a song.”
  9. “I also want to go to the bathroom.”
Jeffrey Tung Apologizes for His Red Carpet Fiascos at the 2019 GQ Men of the Year Awards
Allen Deng

This also happened.

Aside from these comments, Jeffrey Tung mistakenly removed a sponsored product from an executive that was trying to promote it. At one point, he was bored while waiting for the next guest to arrive and called NINE PERCENT and NEX7 member, Zhu Zhengting (朱正廷) and had a 2 minute conversation while this was streaming live. You couldn’t even hear Zhu Zhengting’s voice because the mic wasn’t picking it up.

Watch Jeffrey Tung and Zhu Zhengting converse:

Even though Jeffrey Tung apologized, many netizens still found it hard to accept. They left comments such as, “If you don’t have experience, it’s understandable, but before going on stage, you should at least do some research.”, “The organizers don’t want to beat you up?”, “Are you sure you rehearsed before?”. There were some supporters who defended him saying, “First time hosting, it’s normal to be nervous.”, “One person hosting the entire venue is quite exhausting.”

Credit: ETtoday (1, 2), Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)