Miss Hong Kong 2019 Contestant, Katy Yeung, Clarifies Gold Digger Allegations

Miss Hong Kong 2019 Contestant, Katy Yeung, Clarifies Gold Digger Allegations

The Miss Hong Kong 2019 contestants are getting more media coverage than TVB’s own actresses lately. TVB made all the eliminated contestants film a special with the Miss Hong Kong 2019 winners today. Katy Yeung (楊詠彤) was a hot favorite before the finale, but ultimately failed to make it to the top 5. She was in the news with reports painting her as a gold digger leeching after her ex-boyfriend’s money, even after the pageant was over. She spoke with hk01.com today about her feelings on not winning and also clarified the allegations about her being a gold digger and injuring her ex-boyfriend, Vincent Chang.

Eliminated Miss Hong Kong 2019 Contestant, Katy Yeung, Accused of Being a Gold Digger

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Going Dutch

Katy Yeung expressed, “In the beginning, when I didn’t hear my number called, I was a little disappointed. But looking back, I felt I didn’t give 100% in my performance that night. I think I could have done a better performance. But there’s no point in thinking like this, I have to move on and see how my future develops.

2019 Miss Hong Kong Winners List

When asked about the rumors circulating around her materialistic ways and treating her boyfriend like an ATM, she denied all of it, saying, “These are all false reports. When we were still together, we went Dutch (AA制). Our finances were independent. There was no “gold digging” going on.”

2019 Miss Hong Kong Contestants Finalized

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Getting close to wealthy people

As for the reports on her being a “Racing Angel”, holding up placards at the Hong Kong Jockey Club so she can get close to wealthy patrons, she clarified, “It’s not like that. Before I joined the pageant, I was a model. I was also a Racing Specialist and I would give my personal tips to the customers. Interacting with customers who were a little more high level (高級), is true, but I wouldn’t say it was to meet wealthy people. My boyfriend at the time knew I was helping to pay for my family’s rent. At the time he did ask, ‘Then do you need me to give you money to pay rent?’. But we ended up not exchanging even $1. In the end, I didn’t take any money from him.”

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On the accusations that she hit her ex-boyfriend on the head, Katy Yeung clarified, “This didn’t happen either. After breaking up, we didn’t have any more contact, but I did hear about him getting hurt, but it wasn’t my doing. We were already broken up at the time, I don’t know how he got hurt. You’ll have to ask him to clarify it.”

Credit: hk01, Katy Yeung IG