Sunny Wang and Wife, Dominique Choy, Announce Pregnancy

Sunny Wang and Wife, Dominique Choy, Announce Pregnancy

Taiwanese actor, Sunny Wang (王陽明), and his wife, Dominique Choy (蔡詩芸) a.k.a Dizzy Dizzo, announced their pregnancy today. The expectant parents didn’t divulge much details in their pregnancy. However, back in mid July, Dominique Choy was rumored to be around 3 months pregnant when paparazzi caught pictures of her with a bit of a protruding belly and supporting her waist with both hands while taking a stroll.

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When Sunny Wang was asked about his wife’s pregnancy at a function a week later, he responded, “Really hope you guys respect us. Give us some space, especially my wife. Don’t give her too much pressure.” It’s reported Dominique Choy conceived her baby through IVF back in April this year.

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The two met while learning Chinese at the National Taiwan Normal University in 2005. They dated for two years before breaking up. After rekindling their relationship at the end of 2014, Sunny Wang proposed to Dominique Choy in April 2015, after only dating again for four months. They got married in December 2015 in Sydney, Australia, where Dominique Choy was raised. There was some controversy when they first announced they were dating the second time around as Sunny Wang was previously dating Chinese actress, Zhang Li (张俪). He revealed in December 2014 that they broke up on his birthday, November 2. Sunny Wang revealed they broke up due to differences in personality, upbringing, and the long distance. Right after his break up, he didn’t wait long before reuniting with Dominique Choy.

Credit: ETtoday (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Sunny Wang IG