Elva Hsiao Tears Upon Hearing Boyfriend, Justin Wong’s Response When She Said She Missed Her Late Mother

Elva Hsiao Tears Upon Hearing Boyfriend, Justin Huang Hao's Response When She Said She Missed Her Late Mother

Elva Hsiao (蕭亞軒) and her boyfriend, Justin Wong (黃皓), are one of the couples featured in Chinese variety show, “Meeting Mr. Right 3” (女儿们的恋爱 3). Prior to them joining the show, there were already a lot of buzz surrounding the couple as Justin Wong is 16 years Elva Hsiao’s junior and less accomplished in his career when compared to hers.

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In the first episode that aired on October 28, Justin Wong tends to Elva Hsiao the entire day as she has a fever. While Justin Wong has no cooking experience, he asked his mother for her recipe to make soup for Elva Hsiao. Knowing that she was sick, Justin Wong’s mother filmed a video demonstrating the steps to make the soup and sent it to her son. As Justin Wong grew up in Canada, his Chinese isn’t all that good, but he still went to the markets to get the ingredients himself.

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Watching the video of Justin Wong’s mother, Elva Hsiao started thinking about her mother. She says to Justin Wong, “Seeing your mother like this, I am very touched. You are so lucky, you have a mother. You know the feeling of having a mother.” Justin Wong says to her, “You are the lucky one.”, but Elva Hsiao responds, “No, [you] have a mother.”

Elva Hsiao starts to tear the more she watches the video. She says she gets emotional whenever she thinks about her mother, who passed away on New Year’s Day in 2010 due to an illness. When Justin Wong comforts her saying, “She cares about you.”, Elva Hsiao responds, “I know, but I’m saying I miss my mom. Every time your mom messages you, I miss my mom.”

Elva Hsiao recounted Justin Wong’s mother would message her whenever her son is sick or sees that he lost weight. She would ask Elva Hsiao if it’s because he didn’t eat or sleep enough because he needs to eat and sleep well in order to be happy. Elva Hsiao says to Justin Wong, “Look how much your mom loves you. Because if my mother was alive, she would also wish that I was like that so that’s why I’m saying you’re very fortunate.”

Justin Wong responds to Elva Hsiao, “My family is your family.”, which leads her to cry again. Elva Hsiao revealed this wasn’t the first time she heard this from Justin Wong, but she is very touched every time she hears it because she works hard to stay strong.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), MGTV Youtube