Jiro Wang (汪東城) is a cast member on Chinese variety show, “Shine! Super Brothers” (追光吧哥哥). He was trending after the second episode aired for his “greasy” performance and was urged to “remove some oil”. He recently sat down for an interview with media outlet, “Tan Zhi” (谈资). Jiro Wang was asked a range of questions, but the most interesting ones were about his choices to play opposite him in a double male lead series and him shipping Kris Wu (吴亦凡), Luhan (鹿晗), and Huang Zitao (黄子韬).
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When asked who he would choose to star in a double male lead series with him, Jiro Wang asked what they would have to do. The interviewer told him to imagine it and improvise. He explained he has trouble choosing one person because he’s a Virgo, so he chose Yu Menglong (于朦胧) and Ding Zeren (丁泽仁), who are also cast members on “Shine! Super Brothers”.
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The interviewer then asks if he ships any CPs. Jiro Wang said he was aware of his coupling with co-star, Pets Tsang (曾沛慈), from “KO One Return” (終極一班2). When asked if he understood netizens’ happiness in shipping CPs, Jiro Wang responded, “For example, when I see Kris Wu, Huang Zitao, Luhan, the three of them happily interacting with each other, I also think it’s very happy. Seeing their interactions, I think it has quite the brotherly feeling. I quite like this type of CP feeling. I ship it, I ship it.”
Jiro Wang also revealed he has been paying attention to a lot of male artists who came from survival shows. Cai Xukun, Justin, Xiao Gui, and Wang Ziyi left especially deep impressions on him. He jokingly invited Cai Xukun to go karaoke and said his song, “Lover”, sounded very good.
On whether he photoshops his pictures, Jiro Wang admits to it and proudly says he has reached the level of being able to come out with a book on the subject. He also boasted that everyone likes taking pictures with him as he will edit the photos. He would send the photoshopped picture to everyone in the group chat and ask if anyone has any changes before posting it. He said everyone usually uses his picture to post on Weibo.
I remember being a big fan of these guys back in high school. Feels nostalgic when I see them as a trio on TV.