Dilraba (迪丽热巴) and Leo Wu Lei’s (吴磊) long-awaited series, “The Long Ballad” (长歌行), aired on March 31. The drama is based on a popular manhua (comic) of the same name by manhua artist, Xia Da (夏达). Dilraba plays a Tang dynasty princess, “Li Changge” (李长歌), who has to escape after her family is murdered by the second emperor of the dynasty.
Dilraba Doesn’t Think She is That Beautiful
After the first episode aired, there were some debate from netizens about Dilraba’s hairstyle taking away from her beauty. They felt the two strands of hair and split hairstyle was unnecessary and made Dilraba look dull. Looking at the artwork of the comic, “Li Changge” does have two strands of hair split in the middle, which is very similar to Dilraba’s look in the series. However, some netizens expressed after watching more episodes, they got used to Dilraba’s hairstyle and felt it was pleasing to the eye.
Studio Clarifies Leo Wu Lei Posting a Comment Shipping Him and Dilraba on His Weibo Account
Prior to the series airing, Dilraba had mentioned on a few occasions that she had doubts about taking on the role of “Li Changge” at first and had considered quitting. She read comments that she wasn’t suitable for the role because her looks were “too modern” and that her character is supposed to be 15-16.
I love watching this series
Yeah it is a bit odd for her to be playing a 15 to 16 year old character. I guess a lot of c-dramas age up their characters to be college age though…
Dilraba you are one amazing actress…And beautiful lady.