“Youth With You 3” Trainee, Tony Yu Jingtian, Withdraws from the Competition Days from Finale Due to Recent Controversies

Youth With You 3 Trainee, Tony Yu Jingtian, Withdraws from the Competition Days from Finale Due to Recent Controversies

Hot favorite trainee, Tony Yu Jingtian, who was consistently ranked first, has withdrawn from the competition just 3 days away from the May 8 finale. Ten days before the show’s finale, rumors started circulating Tony’s parents had allegedly operated a KTV business selling drugs and sexual services back in 2005. Tony’s management company, AstroMusic, issued a statement saying he had no involvement in the activities circulating online. On April 30, Tony’s mother issued a post saying she and her husband had already sold their stake in the business in 2008 and denied participating in any of the activities they were accused of in the rumors. A lawsuit was also filed by Tony’s father against the rumors circulating online.

Mother of “Youth With You 3” Trainee, Tony Yu Jingtian, Denies Allegations She and Husband Operated KTV Business Offering Sexual Services and Sold Drugs

Despite the statements from AstroMusic and Tony’s parents, netizens had already started to call for Tony to withdraw from the competition. A few days later, Tony’s nationality came into question, which doused more fuel to the fire when it came to netizens calling for his withdrawal. Tony and his family immigrated to Canada in 2008. Rumors started going viral alleging Tony had dual citizenship in Canada and China, which is not recognized in China. His nationality became a hot topic with some saying he is violating the law and is now a societal issue. Because of this, “Yu Jingtian withdraw from the competition” trended at #1 on Weibo for hours.

Netizens Call for “Youth With You 3” Trainee, Tony Yu Jingtian, to Withdraw from the Competition After His Nationality Comes into Question

Tony nor his parents have addressed the recent claims about his nationality. With the allegations against his parents and his nationality in question, rumors were going viral that Tony had withdrawn from the show on May 4. On the same day, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Radio and Television issued a statement saying they had suspended “Youth With You 3” from future recordings due to the recent mass reporting of problems related to the show. They said they had already met with the people in charge at iQIYI ordering them to strictly follow the guidelines set forth by the state’s radio and television bureau.

While this was all looming, around 1:39 am on May 5, “Youth With You 3’s” official Weibo made a statement in regards to the state’s suspension of the recording for the show. The show said they accept the ruling and will follow the state’s orders. They will be strictly implementing the regulations and policies set forth by the bureau and temporarily stop recording the show from today onwards. iQIYI also said they will identify and correct existing problems and improve the show’s management system.

Nine minutes later, AstroMusic issued a statement saying Tony had withdrawn from the show. Their statement read, “Due to all sorts of recent news regarding my company’s artist, Yu Jingtian, taking up public resources and bringing trouble to everyone, on behalf of the company and artist, we express our most sincere apologies. At the same time, due to the artist’s personal health, he is unable to participate in relevant work activities and have decided to withdraw from the current show recordings.”

Tony was seen leaving Dachang in the middle of the night. It’s unknown if and when the show will resume recording for the finale.

Credit: Weibo (1, 2, 3, 4)

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41 thoughts on ““Youth With You 3” Trainee, Tony Yu Jingtian, Withdraws from the Competition Days from Finale Due to Recent Controversies

  1. tony wasn’t my first choice for center but I don’t think it’s fair for him to be kicked out of the show, especially after all his hard work for the last couple of months. the ktv scandal was from over a decade ago and the family moved to canada to start a new life; they have already repented their sins. And is his nationality so important to everyone? He can be canadian-chinese, it wasn’t like he was trying to hide his identity or something.

  2. Tony isn’t my most favourite but reading this making me curious like why now? Like seriously few day before they debut? Cmmon…

  3. Tony is not my first pick but I liked him from day 1 of YWY3. I wanted him to debut with the others. With him gone, I’m heartbroken. It feels like a piece is missing from the puzzle.

  4. I left iqyi and ywy…
    Chuang more fair then ywy….
    Stay strong Tony🤗🤗🤗🤗

  5. Tony’s parents did nothing wrong, because they sold their KTV restaurant and moved to Canada to live. They should not let Tony leave youth with you with just a few days left for debuting. I really wish Tony Yu Jing Tian can come back and finishing his debut life and be the Center of all. He tried so hard to be Number 1. Guys, look back in his past of practicing. Everyone if practicing so hard and didn’t have enough sleep. We can’t jut let rumors go around if we know how hard Tony Yu Jing Tian worked to debut. He didn’t sleep since this debut started. Everyone want’s to see Tony Yu Jing Tian debut. His family already made a claimant that they sold the restaurant, so why putting all this pressure into a teenage boy who barely is 18 years old!!!! I am sooooo mad that no one knows how hard he works and everyone in the trainees loved care, cared for him, and like a big whole family who lives together in a dorm inside the same building. TONG YU JING TIAN, COME BACK AND BE THE CENTER OF THE DEBUT TEAM YOUTH WITH YOU!!! I WILL VOTE FOR YOU UNTIL YOU DEBUT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED. WE TRUST YOU BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU!!! I KNOW IT IS NOT YOUR PARENTS FUALT, SO PLEASE COME BACK ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :>>>>>>>>>>>

  6. I don’t know how can they easily ruined other DREAMS…Tony must have broke down after this..Keep strong baby…It’s good if you joined CHUANG 2021,,because if your haters says you Canadian..it’s Okey cause chuang 2021 is international survival show….ayaa,,ayaa what a wasteful IQIYI..Hmmmpp

  7. I just can’t !! My fave Drrchen is out and now Tony suddenly quit. Anti’s should shut their traps all they know is ruin someones career.

  8. Oh gosh I came from iQiyi app and saw the word quit on Tony’s photo. I EVEN PAID TO BE ABLE TO VOTE TWICE ON TONY AND THIS HAPPENED. UGH poor Tony. We will wait for you again, Tony. Please come back after you have recovered.

  9. I don’t wanna be sympathitic because we can’t wrong his parents before they reveal the truth so I hope their family receives justice

  10. I was about to vote for tony but the moment i saw quit my heart skipped a beat. I was so scared. He was always my first pick for the center and my favourite ones. And now this happen just when he was about to debut and be the winner for the first place. Just why iqiyi had do to that to Tony debut was approaching but they told him to get out bcz of the controversy and his parents’ mistake. I am so angry at his parents. God gifted them a handsome and talented son who passionate and his desire to accomplish his dream. A very hard working participant. But they could not stop doing illegal works and now this happened. Now i would stop to watch ywy because it’s definitely not worth my time. It will always remind me the moment the other participants shared with Tony by their side. I really love him so much ❤ that i couldn’t imagine this could happen to him just of the mistake his parents caused 💔. His parents should be ashamed of their own actions instead of showing good examples and being the first supporters. They destroyed their own biological son dream. Wish he can debut in the future and god will be by his side. Love u tony ❤ and stay calm. I also wish that everything will be okay by the time before the finals ywy s3 but let just pray to god.

    1. I don’t think you need to blame his parents until there will be clear statement not from some passerby or whatever in Chinese Internet but from authorities? Why everyone believe in everything in Internet? Or do everyone think that Chinese police is that bad in their job?

  11. IQiYi made a ton of money off Tony. Just look at his fan base’s fundraising. Now they’re just dropping him like a hot potato, telling him to leave in the middle of the night. I feel so so sad for Tony. He isn’t my first pick for center, but his talent is undeniable. He works so hard and has such a passion for music. He practices until ungodly hours of the night. I don’t get what the antis get out of this. Then they going around posing as other trainees’ fans to start fan wars and to fuel the fire. People are so evil. I hope they’re happy they ruined his life and took down the dreams of 19 other people in the process. But I hope Tony and the other trainees rise above this.

  12. Tony doesn’t deserve this. I liked him since the day he walked into that room. My poor tony. This show is rigged and so are those anti-fans.

  13. I can not believe this, they are so cruel that, I used to watch youth with you again and again cause they made me happy but with out Tony, whenever I see them they meke me sad,

  14. I was going to vote this morning then I see the quit button where the vote button should’ve been under Yu Jingtian’s name. Jia you Tony. You’ll get through this.

  15. Poor kid just wants to debut and be on stage. He just can’t catch a break. Goodness. I hope ya’ll haters are happy now. As much as I love the other finalists, I’m not supporting a show and a group with malicious fans that does this to anyone.

  16. Wow what a great decision
    Are you guys for real get a life and leave the poor guy alone no more reason to watch ywy3

  17. i know people are mad but you can’t even blame iqiyi or the show. it’s literally their country that stopped this.

    1. It’s because those goody two shoes that just has to point out and blame him when it’s literally his parents fault and not him. Remember the gov had to do something bc this issue is corruption :/

      1. What’s the point watching YWY3 when your favorite trainee already quit the show. Moreover IQIYI can stop using Tony’s popularity to raise money. How do you even call yourselves human after destroying the dream of an 18 years old. And to the antis, do whatever you want… I pray and hope that karma gets back at you!

    2. Why need to blame 18 years old kid? It is his parents problem. Even though that case happen a long time ago. Why does these toxic continue to dig the case. What a foolish

  18. Tony, Yu Jingtian, wherever you are, I hope you stay strong and do what you want to do with your life. You are only 18 years old and have already been through so much. Don’t give up. I believe in you and love you.

  19. Am soo disappointed …. Tony where ever you are I hope ur safe … Ur fans loves u


  21. I hate you IQIYI! You have put too much pressure and caused depression to Tony, my heart breaks because I have been voting for him since day1!!! 😭😭😭 Tony please come back!!!

    IQIYI, stop using the popularity of other artists just to gain viewers and ratings!!! 🤬

    1. 余景天 加油 希望可以再次看到耀眼帅气 酷 的你 千万不要在意别人的谣言 眼光 方法 要坚持住 还有那些要余景天退出比赛的人 千万千万不要说自己是余景天的真粉 余景天 你可以的 加油加油加油 等你回来 ⸜₍๑•⌔•๑ ₎⸝

      1. 还要加上一句话 “千万千万不要说自己是余景天的真粉 因为你不配”

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