The second installment in the “Eternal Love” (三生三世十里桃花) series, “Eternal Love of Dream” (三生三世枕上书), finally gets an air date! The highly anticipated series
Dilraba (迪丽热巴) and Johnny Huang Jingyu (黄景瑜) got caught up in dating rumors after they collaborated on their new series, “Love Advanced Customization”
Dilraba (迪丽热巴) and Johnny Huang Jingyu (黄景瑜) recently wrapped up their modern drama, “Love Advanced Customization” (爱情高级定制). During filming, photos of their kiss
Dilraba (迪丽热巴) graced the red carpet recently at the 32nd Golden Rooster Awards in a long strapless ensemble. Her evening gown was immediately trending on