No Birthday Wishes from Archie Kao for Zhou Xun

Zhou Xun 2018 44th Birthday Archie Kao

Nowadays, it’s easy to tell whether celebrities are broken up or going through marital problems.  When celebrities refuse to comment on their personal lives due to privacy reasons, we simply go to their social media accounts and check to see if they comment on each other’s posts or wish them happy anniversary or happy birthday.  The latest celebrity couple to fall victim to the media and public scrutiny is none other than Chinese actress Zhou Xun (周迅) and her American actor husband, Archie Kao (高聖遠), who has been developing in Asia lately.  

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The couple has had their fair share of divorce rumors since getting married four years ago.  In July, it was alleged the two were already separated for two years due to cultural differences and were in the process of getting a divorce.  Last month, the rumors were spurred on when Archie Kao was not on the guest list for Zhou Xun’s annual charity event, which he attended in previous years.  

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Today is Zhou Xun’s 44th birthday and she posted a message to herself on Weibo saying, “Xun, Happy Birthday.  Love you just like before.”  Good friend and fellow Chinese actor, Chen Kun (陳坤), wished her a happy birthday on the stroke of midnight, making this the ninth year in a row he continued this tradition.  As for hubby, Archie Kao, there was no sign of him on her birthday.  The last time he publicly commented about Zhou Xun’s birthday was two years ago.  However, Zhou Xun’s manager had once denied the divorce rumors last year.  Archie Kao even posted a poster of Zhou Xun in her series, “Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace” on Weibo last May.  

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The other famous celebrity couple constantly under the public eye and surrounded with divorce rumors is Hawick Lau (劉愷威) and Yang Mi (楊冪).  Because the two didn’t publicly interact with each other on Weibo during their birthdays, the divorce rumors are rampant again.  While social media interaction can’t be an indicator for a couple’s marital status, it certainly leaves many of us wondering.    

Credit: Apple Daily, Archie Kao Weibo, Zhou Xun Weibo

One thought on “No Birthday Wishes from Archie Kao for Zhou Xun

  1. wait didn’t she leave her husband for another girl (Leah Dou). Then why would he wish her a happy Bday??? Leave them them alone already this is getting boring.

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