G.E.M. and Jackson Wang Serenade Fans with Performance of Jay Chou’s “Silence”

G.E.M. and Jackson Wang Serenade Fans with Performance of Jay Chou's "Silence"

Even though G.E.M. (鄧紫棋) is currently going through some contractual issues with her management company, Hummingbird Music, she held her “Queen of Hearts” concert tour in Macau on March 9th. The concert was delayed for two hours, earning some boos from fans. G.E.M. apologized to her fans explaining that there was some technical difficulties causing the delay. The wait was proved worthy as during the encore portion, G.E.M. started performing Jackson Wang’s (王嘉爾) remix of Jay Chou’s (周杰倫) “Silence” (安靜). However, the fans were treated to a surprise when Jackson Wang came out from backstage and started singing with G.E.M. The duo didn’t disappoint as they even held hands during the performance.

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After the performance, the two entertained the crowd in Cantonese. G.E.M. explains how she invited Jackson Wang to be a guest at her concert when they were filming a Pepsi commercial in Thailand. Jackson Wang checked his schedule on his phone and immediately accepted G.E.M.’s invitation on the spot within one minute of her asking without inquiring further about the details.

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Jackson Wang shows off his accented Cantonese saying, “Older sister is having a concert, as the younger brother, I need to support, right?” In a backstage interview, G.E.M. also makes fun of Jackson Wang’s funky Cantonese. She shares that he didn’t actually call her “Gaa Jeh” (家姐) in the beginning. He used to call her “Ah Jeh” (阿姐), an honorific usually reserved for middled aged women. G.E.M. thought he was joking at first, but every time he saw her, he would call her “Ah Jeh.” She told him to stop calling her “Ah Jeh”, as it made her sound old. Jackson Wang tells G.E.M. that she is “Ah Jeh” though. It turns out Jackson Wang thought “Ah Jeh” was the same as “Jeh Jeh,” older sister (姐姐). From that day on, G.E.M. said she had to teach him Cantonese, so that’s when he started calling her “Gaa Jeh.”

Credit: hk.on.cc, G.E.M. IG