Fans Protest Against Yang Mi’s Company, Jaywalk Studio, for Giving Her “Rotten Dramas”

Fans Protest Against Yang Mi's Company, Jaywalk Studio, for Giving Her "Rotten Series"

When it comes to A-List actresses, Yang Mi (杨幂) is cream of the crop. She gained popularity after starring in “Palace” (宮), “Chinese Paladin 3” (仙剑奇侠传三), and the mega hit “Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms” (三生三世十里桃花) also known as “Eternal Love”. However, her recent series, such as “Negotiator” (谈判官), “Legend of Fuyao” (扶摇), and “The Great Craftsman” (筑梦情缘), all performed poorly. This has triggered her fans to question her company, Jaywalk Studio, and accused them of ruining her career. A bunch of Yang Mi’s fans even attended her recent event holding signs in protest of Jaywalk Studio giving her poor scripts.

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It was recently rumored Yang Mi would be taking on a new series called, “許你暖暖的晨光” that would be self produced by Jaywalk Studio. Fans felt this type of series is inappropriate for Yang Mi and felt the company didn’t have her best interests in mind. At a recent event that Yang Mi attended, a bunch of her fans were off stage holding placards and screaming out their protests against Jaywalk Studio.

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Fans Protest Against Yang Mi's Company, Jaywalk Studio, for Giving Her "Rotten Series"

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Some of these placards were yelling at Jaywalk Studio for ignoring fan’s demands They also listed out a lot of charges Jaywalk Studio was guilty of including, shoddy production values, not enough promotions, exploiting Yang Mi’s popularity for investment, etc. One of the placards went to extremes saying, “Resist self productions, Jaywalk close down”. There is also a list of 7 demands from fans circulating online including: finding a good production team, careful choice selection on scripts, reject Yang Mi to continue filming “rotten dramas”.

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Fans Protest Against Yang Mi's Company, Jaywalk Studio, for Giving Her "Rotten Series"

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Once pictures of the fans holding the signs went viral, many netizens left comments saying, “I kinda wanna cry.”, “It really takes a lot of courage to stand up. Hope onlookers seeing this that don’t understand won’t laugh at them.”, “Am I the only one that thinks Yang Mi is being forced by her fans to not be human inside or outside anymore?”, “I feel awkward for Yang Mi.”

Credit: ETtoday,, Weibo