Zheng Shuang Shares Collection of 10 Years Worth of Fan Mail

Zheng Shuang Shares Collection of 10 Years Worth of Fan Mail

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chinese entertainment industry has essentially come to a halt. The government had placed a suspension on workers from working in the film and drama sectors. Many artists have been hibernating at home to protect themselves from getting sick. Some celebrities might be having cabin fever and getting bored. However, Zheng Shuang (郑爽) took this opportunity to read all the fan mail she received since she debuted over 10 years ago.

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On February 18, Zheng Shuang shared a picture of all the handwritten fan mail she has collected over the past 10 years. She included this caption with the post: “The life of hibernating at home: Rummage through old things, reorganization, cook for my parents, and finish reading nearly 10 years worth of letters I’ve collected. No matter how many years pass, hope we all remember our initial intentions, possess a beautiful life for ourselves.”

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Fans were immensely touched by Zheng Shuang’s gesture. They left comments saying, “You’re so warm! Love you”, “Zheng Shuang is the best.”, “We will always be here accompanying you.”, “There are still many 10 years for us to love you.”, “You are really a very kind, filial, and big hearted fairy-like girl.”

Credit: ETtoday, Weibo (1, 2, 3)