Wu Zun Played Matchmaker for Calvin Chen and Bruneian Girlfriend During Fahrenheit Days

Wu Zun Played Matchmaker for Calvin Chen and Bruneian Girlfriend During Fahrenheit Days

Even though Fahrenheit (飛輪海) broke up almost 8 years ago, each member is still very popular within the Chinese and Taiwanese industries. What’s weird is that they’ve all made headlines lately and most of their news were about their time during their Fahrenheit days. After Aaron Yan’s appearance on Dee Hsu and Kevin Tsai’s variety show, “Hua Hua Wan Wu 2”, last week, it was Jiro Wang (汪東城) and Calvin Chen’s (辰亦儒) turn to go on their show.

Calvin Chen and Joanne Tseng Got Married!

Wu Zun Brought Family to Fahrenheit Reunion

The relationship questions were definitely the highlight of the show. Calvin Chen talked about his survival to his now wife, Joanne Tseng (曾之喬). He invited all their good friends to help set up his living room with candles and balloons. When Joanne Tseng saw him she asked, “How come you look so handsome? I look like this.” He responded, “My wife is beautiful however she looks. I want to become Prince Charming so that’s why I got all dressed up and make up ready to propose.” When Calvin Chen proposed, he told her, “We were together for so long. You are the Miss Right that I’ve been looking for.”

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Kevin Tsai asked Calvin Chen if he was Joanne Tseng’s first love as they met when she was 20 and he was 28. He said probably not because she’s had a lot of “puppy loves” and he wouldn’t ask about her past relationships. Because of this comment, Kevin Tsai was shocked that Calvin Chen only had one girlfriend all this time as an idol. Calvin Chen clarified that he did have another girlfriend during Fahrenheit days. He said, “I admit. Before Chiao Chiao (Joanne Tseng), I had a girlfriend from Brunei who Wu Zun (吳尊) introduced to me.” Calvin Chen revealed they dated for two years. Wu Zun was certainly busy hiding his own marriage and matchmaking for his members.

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This prompts Kevin Tsai to ask whether it has always been Joanne Tseng since they started dating and if they had break ups in between. Calvin Chen said it has only been Joanne Tseng ever since, but reveals they did break up. When asked why they broke up, Calvin Chen revealed that Joanne Tseng probably felt he wouldn’t listen to her because both of them were too focused on themselves. They broke up for a year before Calvin Chen wanted to reconcile. Calvin Chen revealed he had met other girls, but realized what he wanted. When he started contacting Joanne Tseng again, she only treated hm like a friend. He pursued her for another 6 months until they decided to get back together.

Credit: Calvin Chen Weibo