Rainie Yang Pens Post Mourning Death of First Love, Alien Huang

The death of Taiwanese celebrity, Alien Huang (黃鴻升), has shook the Chinese-speaking entertainment industries. Many people close to Alien Huang are in shock and disbelief at his sudden passing and at such a young age. The cause of death is still unknown while the autopsy is performed.

Taiwanese Artist, Alien Huang, Passes Away at 36

Alien Huang’s Girlfriend, Qun, Reveals Something He Said to Her That Sounded Like He Foreshadowed His Death

A lot of Alien Huang’s celebrity friends had left messages mourning his passing. One of the celebrities hit particularly hard by Alien Huang’s death is Rainie Yang (楊丞琳), his first love. Rainie Yang and Alien Huang were already dating when they were students at the Taipei Hwa Kang Arts School. The couple decided to split after Rainie Yang quit school and debuted in the industry. Even though they were no longer together, the two remained really good friends and often hung out together with other friends.

Alien Huang’s Cause of Death Determined

Show Luo Attended Alien Huang’s Public Viewing, Shattering Years Long Rumors of Discord

In 2018, Rainie Yang even invited Alien Huang to perform at her “Youth Lies Within” concert. Rainie Yang revealed that she once shook off Alien Huang’s hand while walking in the streets as she thought she was really popular and was afraid of getting recognized. Alien Huang tolerated and it was very considerate.

When the news of Alien Huang’s death was first reported, Rainie Yang relayed her initial reaction to the press: “I have no way of describing how much pain I’m in. Hong Sheng is like a family member to me. I really have no way to accept this after finding out about this news. I will always remember the good in him. Please also remember his hard work, his seriousness, and his talent. I will remember him forever.”

After a few hours, Rainie Yang posted this on her social media accounts, mourning Alien Huang:

“Thank you everyone for your concern.
I won’t pretend I am doing well, that I’m alright
Because it’s impossible to be good, impossible to be alright

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感謝丞琳🙏🏿 #dearpapa#alien666

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Hong Sheng’s passing
Made a lot of people that love him
Feel immense reluctance to let go
After finding out about the news
I was very worried about Hong Sheng’s family’s emotions
They must be suffering several times more than me

Seeing the media report on his good points
I feel very gratified
Because he is really hard working
Cherishes each stage
Values each hard to come by opportunity
But his good points
Are more than these things
The things you can’t see in front of the screen
His good points
Has made me feel
Being able to meet him
Is a blessing in this lifetime

I’ve said before, ‘We are not just merely appearing in each other’s youth. We have actually been appearing in all stages of each other’s lives, that of course includes the future as well.’

Hong Sheng
I believe in the future you’ll still be here
It’s just you’re using a different format to be around
Thank you for appearing in my life
Very happy the both of us gave the suitable expression of love and care for each other
Losing you is a pity, unwilling to let go
But we haven’t left one trace of regeret

Missing you forever

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