Alien Huang’s Cause of Death Determined

Alien Huang's Cause of Death Determined

Since Alien Huang’s (黃鴻升) sudden passing on September 16, there have been a lot of questions looming over the mystery of his death. Initial reports stated Alien Huang’s cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest and not getting treated right away as he lived alone. After Alien Huang’s family agreed to investigate his death, the medical examiner performed an autopsy at the funeral parlor where Alien Huang’s body was held.

Taiwanese Artist, Alien Huang, Passes Away at 36

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_ AES AUTUMN / WINTER 2019 “MONDAY" _ 淬煉 更迭的11年 世代的改變 孕育出的作品 是最初的精神 更是最新的創意 _ 「1」可解釋為最頂尖 「1」亦可解釋為最初 _ 而11年對我們來說不光僅是時間的推進 而是10年後 歸零 重整的第一年 更代表著十年的累積 持續進化並邁向新挑戰的開始 _ AES 19A/W Collection 以每個人每週都會面臨到的 Monday blue 做呈現 以色調呼應週日的結束,邁向星期一的複雜情緒 用圖文來說明 Monday 代表是個新的開始 持續努力且充滿希望 及期待未知的新事物 _ 整體服裝來溝通出即便沒有刻意準備, 也適用於面對各種情況的造型搭配。 _ Honing 11 years of generational changes, our works are born not only bearing our true spirit, but also our latest ideas. [1] can represent the Pinnacle [1] can also represent the Beginning Numero Uno The last 11 years not only signify our advance and accomplishments that we have accumulated over the years, it also means it is time that we reset and re-structure; and continue to evolve to meet new challenges. AES 19A/W Collection Inspired by the Monday blues that everyone can relate to, the new collection uses myriads of hues to encapsulate the end of weekends and the complex moods of Mondays; and fresh graphics to illustrate the beginning of a new week, of continual efforts and hope and anticipation of unknown new things. _ #aestaipei #19AW

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Alien Huang’s clothing line, AES

Rainie Yang Pens Post Mourning Death of First Love, Alien Huang

According to Taiwanese media, Alien Huang had been diagnosed with hereditary kidney disease 8 years ago. His body check up last year returned mostly normal indexes aside from the kidney disease. Based on the autopsy, the medical examiner reported Alien Huang’s head injuries were not obvious. They claim Alien Huang’s kidney disease was not severe enough to cause his death. The main cause of death was a heart attack.

Alien Huang’s Girlfriend, Qun, Reveals Something He Said to Her That Sounded Like He Foreshadowed His Death

Alien Huang was said to be in a very peaceful and sleep-like condition when he was found. It’s reported he passed away quickly. The medical examiner said, “Even if there was someone by his side at the time, it still would’ve been very hard to save him.”

Show Luo Attended Alien Huang’s Public Viewing, Shattering Years Long Rumors of Discord

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Alien Huang and his father

However, Alien Huang’s manager, Dino, spoke with the media and said his death was caused by “blocked blood vessels due to aortic dissection”. When asked about Alien Huang’s health and if he had any underlying diseases, Dino said, “None, in fact he has done physicals and everything was normal.”

As for the public viewing, Alien Huang’s family chose this picture of him from 2 years ago when he went to Hong Kong to promote his album at the time. Alien Huang’s record company, Rock Records, revealed the picture was chosen by Mr. Huang, who particularly liked this photo.

Credit: ETtoday (1, 2), UDN, IG

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