Cherrie Ying Reveals Funny First Encounter Between Her Father and Jordan Chan

Cherrie Ying Jordan Chan Jasper Chan

Cherrie Ying (應采兒) and Jordan Chan (陳小春) have been happily married since 2010 and have a 5 year old son, Jasper.  In recent years, the whole family has been raking in the RMB appearing in Chinese variety shows, films, and series.

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Cherrie Ying has been filming Chinese reality show, “Viva La Romance”《妻子的浪漫旅行》.  The show is about a bunch of celebrity wives traveling together without their husbands.  The husbands watch their wives’ travels from the studio. 

On the latest episode, the wives are traveling by car and Cherrie Ying is asked to reveal something crazy to the group.  Cherrie takes the opportunity to put Jordan’s first meeting with her father on blast.  Cherrie reveals, “When Jordan first met my father, he called him Uncle.  My father quickly stopped him and said, “Don’t call me Uncle.  I am only older than you by six years.”.”

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Watch the funny reveal at 01:11:04:

Credit: Hunan TV Official Youtube Channel

Credit: Ming Pao, Hunan TV Youtube Channel

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