Fans Buy Out 721 Ad Spaces to Celebrate TFBoys’ Karry Wang Junkai’s Birthday

TFBoys Wang Junkai Birthday Celebration

Chinese boy group, TFBoys’ leader, Karry Wang Junkai (王俊凯) is turning 19 this month.  His die hard fans who have been celebrating his birthday since his debut in 2013, decided to do more charitable activities in his name this year.

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All of Karry Wang’s fan clubs are teaming up together to provide 228 students with winter clothing and 19 electric pianos, hoping to spread his love of music to children who share the same passion and to bring them hope for the future.

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In addition, the fan clubs are assembling 20 big brands to celebrate his birthday.  From 08/31 to 09/13, there will be birthday wishes on the opening screen of 19 apps.  From 09/07 to 09/28, there will be 721 ad spaces filled with birthday celebration messages. 

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This year, the idol is holding his birthday party in his hometown of Chongqing.  Karry Wang says, “After going through so much, let’s return home to celebrate.”  This birthday might also be special as this is Junkai’s 5th year anniversary of his debut.

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Wang Junkai’s 19th Birthday Celebration Promotional Video
Credit: Wang Junkai’s Work Studio Weibo
