Grace Chan Avoids Talking About Whether She Had a Shotgun Marriage, Already Knows Sex of the Baby

Kelly Chan Grace Chan Pregnant Kevin Cheng

Mom-to-be Grace Chan (陳凱琳), was at a function a few days ago.  As this will be her first Christmas as a married woman and an expectant mom, she said she is excited and worried at the same time.  After getting pregnant, she said her emotions have been up and down like rollercoaster.  She hopes to get more chances to try different roles and wants to continue working after giving birth.  Kelly Chan, who was also at the event, said, “When that time comes, you won’t be able to leave your baby for work or travel, even one day, you don’t want to be apart.”

Grace Chan and Kevin Cheng Announce Second Pregnancy

Grace Chan Resumes Working After Giving Birth Less than Two Weeks Ago

Grace Chan reveals she is over three months pregnant, as for her due date, she will reveal it to everyone when it’s appropriate.  She hasn’t decided if she wants to have a natural birth or a c-section, but she will be giving birth in Hong Kong so it’s convenient for her parents and her mother-in-law to take care of the baby.  As for whether or not she had a shotgun marriage, Grace Chan says, “I won’t talk about this.”   

Kevin Cheng and Grace Chan Announce Birth of Son

Kevin Cheng: Why it’s so big?

Ben Wong (黃智賢), who is good friends with Kevin Cheng, recently revealed that Kevin Cheng exclaimed “Why it’s so big?” when he first saw the ultrasound of the baby.  It turned out to be the umbilical cord.  Grace Chan says she already knows the sex of the baby, but wants to announce it later.  When asked if she has been taking advantage of her pregnant status, Grace Chan says, “I was already treated like a princess before, now he is even more attentive and thoughtful.  I haven’t been too crazy like telling him to go buy food at 3 in the morning.  I’m afraid I’ll have to return the favor after I give birth.”  

Kevin Cheng and Grace Chan Attend Milan Fashion Week as a Couple

Kevin Cheng Doesn’t Know His Wife’s Chinese Name

Grace Chan says she hasn’t had a chance to learn from Kelly Chan, who is the mom of two boys, but does reveal a funny secret.  She says, “When Kevin and I were dating, he would often call me Chan Hui Lam (Kelly Chan’s Chinese name).  When we first met, I just let it go since I want to be Kelly Chan too.  But when it got to the third time, I said to him, “Do you know my name is actually “Chan Hoi Lam?”.  He usually calls me by my English name and will sometimes call me with the wrong Chinese name.  I told him I was seeing Kelly Chan today.”  

Credit: Ming Pao, Grace Chan IG