Kenneth Ma Addresses the Media on the “OnSum Cheating” Scandal

Kenneth Ma Addresses the Media on the "OnSum Cheating" Scandal

Kenneth Ma (馬國明) finally addressed the media today around 5:10PM local Hong Kong time regarding the “OnSum Cheating” (安心偷食) scandal.

Kenneth Ma Reveals His Current Relationship with Jacqueline Wong

Is Kenneth Ma Still Hung Up on Jacqueline Wong?

Kenneth Ma Denies Saying He Doesn’t Want to Date Hong Kong Girls

Sammi Cheng Forgives Andy Hui in Statement Addressing the “OnSum Cheating” Scandal

Kenneth Ma addresses the media saying:

“Actually, after I found out about this situation, I didn’t harbor any angry feelings very quickly. I immediately became worried. I was worried about this situation implicating others. I don’t wish for anyone to get hurt. I can only represent her (Jacqueline Wong) to say a little bit. She knows she did wrong. She really wants to come out and address everyone, but the company is worried about her emotions not being stable. They’re afraid she will say something wrong, so they didn’t arrange for her to address everyone. I know she just made a statement on IG. I can only say that she is still very young. She will have to face a lot of obstacles in the future, walk a lot of paths. I hope everyone gives her some space. To everyone, you don’t need to worry about me. I will continue to focus on work and continue filming. I don’t wish for this to impact the filming progress. Andy (安仔) has already said his piece. I won’t say anything further. No one has the right to speak on this matter except for Andy’s wife. I hope this matter can settle down quickly.”

Jacqueline Wong Addresses Cheating Scandal with Official Statement

Jacqueline Wong Apologizes to Kenneth Ma

Watch the video here courtesy of

Lastly, I know some reporters will interview my family. I ask that you guys give me a break and don’t scare my family members. Whether it is my mother or father, they are not in this industry. You know how reporters can fish the answer they want with their questioning. My mom will get scared when so many reporters are surrounding her with mics. This might make her say the wrong things. I hope everyone doesn’t magnify what she says. Whatever she said might have been said under very scared circumstances. I also won’t respond to what she has said already. I just hope everyone won’t scare my family because they are not in the industry and don’t know the feeling of being surrounded. This is all I have to say. There is nothing more I need to address. In the upcoming days, I will be very focused on doing my own things. Thank you everyone. I hope you will be understanding and don’t continue to magnify the situation and getting people hurt. I hope this matter will quickly settle down. Thank you.”

While reporters tried to pry for more information about Kenneth Ma’s current relationship with Jacqueline Wong as he leaves, he doesn’t answer any questions and responds, “I don’t have anything else to say. Thank you.”

Credit:, Kenneth Ma Weibo

6 thoughts on “Kenneth Ma Addresses the Media on the “OnSum Cheating” Scandal

    1. He TOTALLY dodged a bullet. There were rumors circulating about marriage between them too. Had they gotten married…I don’t want to imagine what she’d put him through if she’s doing what she’s doing UNmarried.

  1. Jacqueline Wong really missed out on a good man. He did not have to say any kind words for her at all, whether or not it is a PR move or not is irrelevant. If he personally held a grudge and wasn’t by default a caring person, he really needn’t say anything supportive of her as no one would of expected him to in the first place. Him choosing to go this route really showcases excellent character.

    His response was full of class, kindness, maturity and compassion. I’ve always liked him and appreciated his acting but after seeing this, WOW I have a lot of respect for him and am definitely a fan.

    1. I agree. He always had a good reputation among people in the industry. I don’t recall reading any negative news about him.

      I trust that he was sincere when he said he has already moved on. The fact that he still referred to Andy Hui as “On Jai”, shows a lot of compassion on his end. He was so calm and collected in his delivery. I’m glad this hasn’t affected him, at least that’s what it seems like on the surface.

      1. Yes, exactly! I was surprised that he referred to Andy at all and he used a rather endearing term. Kenneth Ma is truly a class act.

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